[i got a heart that won't quit, won't break, no matter what you do]

Mar 19, 2009 08:23

What I did on my 29th birthday yesterday:
  • took a conference call in my pajamas
  • discussed proper seduction-by-playlist procedure (not on the conference call; on im, during the conference call)
  • cleaned my room in my pajamas and a tiara
  • took pictures of my cat in the dryer
  • downloaded a leak of the new Booker T album
  • went to see the Carolina baseball team play Princeton
  • went to Target and bought a shitload of groceries and also two new lamps
  • went to bed early like an old person, dreamed of nice things, woke up rested this morning
May the rest of 29 be so kick ass.

Now I have to go to an inexplicably boring meeting. SIGH.

P.S. YOU HAVE UNTIL NOON TODAY TO PUT AN ENTRY IN MY TOURNAMENT POOL: http://games.espn.go.com/tcmen/group?groupID=77657. Group name is The Alpha Site, password is "bcsucks" without the quotation marks. No more than two entries per person!

life or something like it

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