[i'm just about a moonlight mile on down the road]

Jul 11, 2008 09:47


A few other things:
  1. t. and I discussed whether there was a better person to put in this poll with Elvis, and we couldn't come up with anybody, but with Johnny Cash at least there's the Sun Records connection.

  2. Sun Records always makes me think of Mike Cooley and [Carl Perkins' Cadillac].

  3. Also, is there a good Sun Records box set out there? I have a good Cash collection and a good Elvis best of set, but I want to know more about Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis, etc etc etc. If there is a good one, what's it called? And will you upload it for me?

  4. Let us discuss concept albums. Two of the albums i've got in reasonably heavy rotation lately are the Drive-By Truckers' Southern Rock Opera and My Chem's the Black Parade, and they're such well-done albums, both of them. So. Your thoughts on concept albums. Yes? No? Only in the 70s? Discuss. Not too heatedly.
I am exceptionally lazy today. *flops*

meta:poll, media:music spam

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