If you're fan of YouTube, if you spend most of your time watching meme videos, then you'll appreciate
this gem, gank'd from
BoingBoing. It's the new Barenaked Ladies video for "The Sound of Your Voice", and it features lots of YouTube "celebrities".... from the Numa Numa kid to the Evolution of Dance guy, to the Mentos and Coke dudes. It's worth checking out and really funny. :)
And for those of you who don't know who any of the "stars" are, here are a sampling of some of their videos (as if you need to waste more time):
Man vs. Magnet- "The Battle of the Bands"Brookers Barats & Bareta Geriatric1927Eepybird: Diet Coke and MentosBoh3m3 Numa NumaTheWineKoneWinston SpearsThe Evolution of DanceWhere the Hell is Matt?
Another gem from BoingBoing:
A "Tampered Food" Photoshopping contest. Now probably I have a blog audience of one but you should definitely check this out. Some people are either 1) really talented, or 2) have way too much time on their hands (like me).