Apr 20, 2006 12:28
While driving to school, I saw a fabulous bumper sticker which said, "question reality." I feel that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, but it's when people don't question things and explore other options before deciding what they feel is true, that bothers me. The thought of living in a society where no one questions anything to the point that we all walk around like brain washed zombies, scares me.
Today, I get to teach a a lesson plan. I have to admit that each day, I grow more and more excited about the thought of working with kids who have special needs.
I feel...I feel happy. I have a lot of good things going on in my life right now...the first thing that comes to mind it that I have a wonderful girlfriend...I am so lucky to have such an intimate relationship with the most amazing person I have ever met. Second, look outside...the weather is beautiful which means the camper is open...I love being outside...I really love being outside...did I mention that I love being outside?...third, stability...my life feels stable right now...I am at a point in my life right now where I have so many things to look forward to...starting a career, having a life partner, a little house, vacations, summers off and a new puppy...