I was wondering the other day who on the queer as folk main cast actually showed it all and who didn't...
My conclusion was that even though we caught glimpses of "Brian's" root and balls, we didn't get a full frontal of all his goods. Of "Justin" I believe there's only been ass-shots (with the exception of a hard-on covered by his undies!), which is perfectly fine with me b/c that's one mighty fine ass! From the rest of the cast we got ass and chest/boobs. (Wasn't "Mel" showing her pubic hair covered pussy once?)
The only one who actually showed it all was "Emmet", Peter Paige, on at least two occasions I remember. And yes my fellow perverts students, I did a slow-mo to take a closer look, and while it's not an outstanding piece of evidence it's nothing to be ashamed of!
Is that something you've spent serious thought on and made studies with nekkid evidence pictures to show for before?
And have I covered the all seasons and episodes with this observation or are there moments of nude importance I have missed and which you highly recommend to relive? Please, share!