
May 23, 2004 18:01

I hate niggers

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Why the misandry? anonymous October 26 2005, 13:34:10 UTC
I love the way cunts throw the magic "M" word around as if this talisman of jewspeak lets them off the hook for their irresponsible behavior,unaccountability, and over all evil hypocrisy.
Here's a new "M" word for you "ladies" out there.
MISANDRY: the word you'll NEVER actually hear from our jews media, as they pummel (white) mens' confidence with such relentless garbage as "You go girl, Girl power, and my all time favorite expression of a cunt's kind compassion, "Boys are stupid throw rocks at them"
Let's not even delve into the double standards of law and entitement garnered for wymyn.
On second thought, let's!!!
The V.A.W.A. or violence against wymyn act cuntcieved by that ivory tower of duplicitous double standard eqkwality herself: Hillary "I wish I had a penis" Clinton. This law virtually ensures that the husband, father, man, will lose his house, kids,money, freedom, self respect and (clintax cunts are hoping) will to live after being ass raped in court by her kike lawyers, when his womyn grows bored and decides his best friend's dick tastes better and that it's time "to move on".
I still find it incredible that when faced with these facts (and a vast cornucopia of other anti-white male hatered that passes for "law") the cunts still cry misogyny and call me a homo.
let me ask do you really believe the horse shit that's being jammed down our throats that teaches us that "man is wrong, womyn is right? That mindless cunts with no sense of responibility make better parents? that somehow cunts are more noble than men????

apparently the gullible twats out there eat this garbage up, act like twats, piss men off in general and then ask..."Why the misogyny?"
Yeah i hate niggers but twats are right up there in a close second. Especially those who try to defend their idiocy, set-asides and out right coddling from our gubment by calling it "equality"
fuck you you stupid sluts! the only intellegent thing to ever come out of your mouth was my dick!!!


Re: Why the misandry? anonymous October 27 2005, 05:35:48 UTC

Niggers are stupid, lazy, ugly, and they have wide noses that breathe my white air.

American air was made for Native Americans, but white people were obviously smarter and more dominant (Darwin) and kicked the shit out of those teepee bastards. Whites are the supreme race...look how advanced European-Western culture is compared to Africa. Don't give me this money bullshit the whites are giving Africa all their money. Blacks are nothing but a dead weight on us hard-working whites, who have proven to be supreme in every way. Niggers in Africa have barely come to invent the wheel. Sorry, you're 40 billion years late.

I hate seeing a nigger in a suit because he obviously stole it from a white person. Stop giving us AIDS you nigger bastards.

What's the most confusing day in Harlem?

Father's Day

I smell nigger because I am one...but I still hate niggers because they make me sick. Niggers are ruining America.


Re: I am German and proud anonymous December 11 2005, 21:18:47 UTC
Hello to all of my white people, you are right we have to stop these mother fucking niggers!!! I came from Hamburg Germany, not to live in the fucking filth these niggers create. I am proud to be racist because we will rule this fucking world again!!! Germany will come back mother fuckers and this time we will kick all of your fucking shitskins into the fucking holes where you came from!!! Fucking ignorant white people like niggers, they think that they are OK hahahah far from OK. Niggers are fucking shit and that is a fact!!! Why dont sharks eat niggers? They think that they are whale shit. What can a pizza do that a nigger cant? Feed a family of four. How do you produce mass transportation in Harlem? Plant the trees closer together. Point is niggers we have all the fucking jokes on you so put you fucking paw in your mouth monkeys while you still can you fucking can. You say your fucking dicks are bigger LOL that is a fucking riot I have a huge dick you stupid mother fuckers.


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