Jun 08, 2010 23:36
Life is now in a big transition period. At work, we are finishing out the last of our school season and preparing for summer camp mode. I'll only be around for half of camp, and then I move out to Idaho to start graduate school. The process is starting now, though, as I picked classes to take for the fall.
We are in the process of moving. It began this past weekend when Erin and I drove up to Hollidaysburg to go through her parents' house and claim what we wanted before it is cleared out. We'll consolidate all of our belongings into a storage unit and have movers pick it up in July to bring it out west. The sale of the farm is about to close, and we are almost ready to close on the house that we want in Idaho. We'll be home owners.
Of course, I haven't mentioned yet that we got married over Memorial Day weekend. Yep, I have now joined the other team.
When summer closes and September rolls around, Erin and I will be living together in the same place, I'll be into a new career, and we'll be living in a new place. This transition is full of excitement and anxiety, fear and happiness, and a frantic confusion as we rush to get everything done in time.