Called to Court 2/?

Dec 03, 2009 23:38

Title: Called to Court
Author: Mineko245
Pairing(s): Batman/Nightwing, Tim/Nightwing (brotherly love)
Rating: Eventual NC-17, PG-13 for this part
Summary: Dick Grayson is nothing like what he seems, as his family and friends will soon find out. The Faerie Court is calling, and they do not take 'no' for an answer.
Word Count: 926
Disclaimer: I do not own Batman, Nightwing or any of their affiliates. If I did there would be a lot less crime fighting and a lot more naked wrestling.

Mary Grayson threw her arms around her only son and buried her face into the crook of his neck briefly before pulling back to grasp his face between her hands.

"Oh my baby! Look at you! All grown up and beautiful! Just look at him John, look!" She pushed his face from side to side in order to look at him completely before wrenching his head around to face his grinning father.

"You grew up nice son" He remarked casually, though his eyes shone with barely disguised pride and happiness. "Just like your mum and me, though hopefully you take after your mothers side of the family more"

Mary finally released her son's face and grasped his hands, leading him into a whirling dervish dance around the clearing which fairly echoed with her bell-like laughter. They stopped finally at the edge of the lake and Dick shook his head before barking out a small incredulous laugh of his own.

"What are you guys doing here? Not that I'm not absolutely thrilled to see you, but I thought that you could only come and visit me once after you died.." Mary interrupted him with a small pout and a shake of her head that sent her cascading back hair into a series of rippling waves around her body. "Don't say 'died' dear. It sounds so... final. And take off that ridiculous mask, there's no need to hide that face of yours here. You're among family after all."

Dick chuckled and reached for the solvent at his belt, only to be stopped by his father's hand on his face.

"Let me.." John passed the hand over his son's face, a small tingle running across the edges of the mask. When he pulled back his hand, the black domino fell to rest at their feet in the lush dewy grass.

"There. Now there's the Dicky I remember" He murmured, taking in his son's face after not seeing him for over a decade.

Dick scratched at his nose to dispel the lingering tingles and let himself be pulled into his father's form embrace. "I missed you too Daddy."

The hug lasted several minutes before Mary cleared her throat forcefully and the two men jumped and disengaged with as much manly pride a could be salvaged at that point.

"Now Dickie, as much as it is overwhelmingly delightful to see you, we are here for a reason." The grin of Dick's face dropped a few notches.

"What kind of reason?"

"The Queen was killed last week." The words were spoken with in a grave tone, but his parents' eyes shone with suppressed malicious satisfaction. "The new Queen's coronation is in a few weeks."

Dick shuffled his feet nervously and twitched his gaze between his parents. "Who is the new Queen?"

Mary and John's eyes shone even brighter and Mary finally replied gleefully "Your Grandmother Dick, my mother was finally able to wrench the throne back from that snake woman!" She fairly vibrated with suppressed happiness.

"And now that the old Queen is gone, any lingering spells she cast will start to fade" His father added happily.

Dick had to think about John's statement for a second before it dawned on him: "The curses! All of the banishment's will be lifted!"

Dick felt as though he had never smiled so hard in his life as he was then, everyone would be able to go home! He would have his family back! And then it hit him like a tonne of bat-shaped bricks. What was he thinking? Bruce was his family! And Tim, and Stephanie, and even (Oh God) Jason. He couldn't just leave them, could he?

His parents sensed his discomfort and moved forward to pull him into their combined embrace.

"Don't worry dear, the coronation isn't for another three weeks" His mother whispered to him "And since so many more will be coming to pay tribute, the Queen has decided to hold the revels and coronation right here! That way you can introduce us to your Bruce, Tim, Stephanie and Jason."

It was as if his mother had poured ice down the back of his suit. Dick stiffened and pulled out of the hug.

"They're coming here? Like right here? To Robinson Park? Gotham!?" They gave him a look that conveyed their obvious confusion at they're son's theatrics "Well of course Dick! We wanted to meet your new family and thank them for looking after you!" His mother spoke to him like he was nine all over again, and probably would have kept going if not for the shrill whistle that pierced the tranquil air.

John and Mary turned quickly towards the tree-line and responded with two whistles of their own before turning their doleful gazes back to their child.

"We have to go now" John explained regretfully "But we'll be here until after the coronation, so you can come and visit any time. Watch out for your cousins too! They'll be coming into town pretty soon for the revels and they may cause a bit of a ruckus, but I'm sure it's nothing you can't handle."

With matching grins and a peck to either cheek they melted back into the shadows, leaving Dick alone with his thoughts and thw wid that had started up again as soon as the shadows as disappeared from view.

"Well that was interesting." A sardonic voice broke him out of his thoughts, and Dick jumped before closing his eyes and turning around; all the while pleading with whatever god would listen. Please not him. pleasenothimpleasenothimpleaseanyonebut...


A/N: And there's part 2 up! Hope you guy's like it. And remember: your comments are the only things keeping me from self-destructing under Exam-time stress. But no pressure. :P Hope to post the next section this weekend, or early next week.

bruce wayne, dick grayson, nightwing, jason todd, batman, faerie!verse

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