Dec 15, 2008 20:38
Reading the DoA (the aBJD forum I belong to) I encountered this, someone was commenting on what a friend had said:
" When I posted in my LJ stuff about how happy I am and how I wait for the kid to come home soon (not yet stating I bought a bjd), I got a comment from a friend - oh my, you don't mean you bought a j-doll?! I was like, what the hell, is there something wrong with j-dolls? And no, I mean dollfies. Then she told me that she hates to see me in the fandom, since all bjd-lovers are crazy and cannot talk about anything except bjd. Every second post in their LJ is about dollfies."
I would like to point out I do not do that. I just stopped posting >_< Spending all my time reading forums, and when I do post doll stuff, it's in Sera's LJ.
In other news I got to see most of Twilight. I didn't like it as much as I thought I would. Of course, it likely would've been better if I didn't watch it right after I watched Queen of the Damned.
In fact, I spent most of the time watching Twilight trying to figure out Eds nose. From the profile, he has almost no nose. But head on, it's not that bad. So I kept on trying to send him mental cues to turn his head, so I could figure out how his nose works. He really has a flat nose. Or perhaps it was just the video quality.
I got to see Penelope (speaking of noses, LOL!) which I thought was really cute. I can't really say much more then that. It was cute, the premise being: Guy is jerk, and women suffer. Not a terribly original idea, but a cute movie none the less.
I'm working on trying to watch the newest Mummy movie now. But the net is kinda wonky.
Daily Show/Colbert Report on vay-k until the new year. Sad. As I enjoyed them mocking Ill. dude with the screwy hair (what is UP with his hair anyway?! What stylist would let him go on TV with hair like that?! Who does he think he is, Donald Trump? With his disregard for the people around him, I guess so!)
I've officially falled in love with alot of Cascada's songs. She does covers in a techno/dance format, which I really like.
If people want to get me something, they can pool all their funds together and get me a ResinSoul Long doll? I saw someone who had done a phenominal job on his face up and clothing, and he looks insanely cooler then I ever thought. Plus at under 250, he's CHEAP!
Trust me, with the exception of Mei (whose 160 or 185), who I'm starting to lose interest in actually, he's the cheapest doll on my list. B&G came out with Lyall whose just....... *drool* and Lucier from Angell Studio (butter skin tone pls.) is gorgeous, as is a tan Yuu from DollZone.
I'm trying to figure out what I can do for someone that would make them feel compelled to buy me one of those insanely priced dolls.
Sadly, I'm not coming up with anything. Well, at least not anything that isn't disgusting, immoral, or illegal. Oh well. I guess I'll have to eventually get the job, go to school, get better paying job, and THEN get them.
.............. damn, and here I wasn't going to talk about dolls in this post! oops!