Eleven Bullets - [Video/Action for Goldenrod]

Jun 04, 2011 16:59

[Well that last weekend was pretty strange, almost as if she'd napped through the entire thing. But the thing about napping is that you either wake up feeling very refreshed or even more exhausted - and luckily for Patti it seems to be the former, as she's been in a brighter mood ever since she went to “sleep”.

So today she’s out in Goldenrod, checking out the sights and doing some shopping of her own. And she appears to be genuinely cheerful, despite the fact that she spent a few weeks sulking and not talking to anyone.

And to make the day even better, as she’s out she hears a loud “Wartortle!” not too far away. She turns quickly, seeing a very familiar turtle-like Pokemon bounding towards her.]

Squirt! Squirt, you made it!

[Squirt leaps into her arms and she gladly returns the hug. It wasn't the same without her favorite squirt gun around, and she wondered what happened to him after the whole Rocket kidnapping incident. To anyone walking around Goldenrod, they might pass by a girl hugging a Wartortle and laughing. A few minutes later she finally answers the Pokegear.]

I found Squirt! He was missing for a long time but I found ‘im!!
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