(no subject)

Jun 14, 2009 12:07

◈Mika 101◈

Name: Unknown (Miyoko Ren)
Goes By: "Shotgun", Sabine, Mika
Age: Mid to late Thirties
Sexual Preference: Whoever's willing.
Voice Actor: (Japanese Only) Mayuko Aoki (AKA Yuna from FFX, FFX-2)
Weapons: Shotgun
Occupation: Ex-Turk, Strip Club Owner
Personality in thee words: Over the Top
Strengths in three words: Strong, Athletic, Accurate
Weaknesses in three words: Vanity, Overconfidence, Sex
Digimon partner:
Impmon => Witchmon => LadyDevimon => Lotusmon

Character, series- ‘Shotgun’ Turk, Final Fantasy 7:Before Crisis. Her fandom given name is usually agreed on as Sabine, but she currently goes by Mika, neither of which is her real name.

Character type- Background-She’s a playable character in the Japanese-only cell phone game, but the game does not revolve around her, nor does she have a name unless the player gives her one.

Digimon partner-
Impmon => Witchmon => LadyDevimon => Lotusmon

D-Comm colours/symbol- Dark Blue and black, with this symbol http://washington.images.googlepages.com/CoolSwirls.jpg/CoolSwirls-full.jpg

Imported from another RP?- Yes and no-She was fleshed out mostly in a private Roleplay and occasionally trolled cpslk_drssngrm so some of her personality but as for people she knows that will not move from out of her fandom. Also, considering that this character gets a paragraph for history and personality rolled into one canonly, I will be taking a lot of liberties with her anyway.

Character appearance-

First thing is first: The suit. Despite spending several years out of it in favor of more civilian clothing after she left the company with Veld and the others she feels back at home in a white dress shirt, black slacks, blazer and tie with shoes shined to perfection. (Ok she cheated, they're corfams.) She has a light brown eyes and a high, angular face that makes it hard to determine her age. Mika stands a little above average height for her age and uses that to her advantage as much as possible, along with having a very athletic body. She's strongest in her upper body strength and arms, and considering her third-level weapon is the Canon Gun she would have to be. It's not the brute strength one gets from being modified like ShinRa's former SOLDIER's, though, but years and years of training and maintaining, even away from the company. The only other two things you really notice other than that is her hair, dark nondescript brown...well, there happens to be a lot of it. Mostly it's pulled into a high ponytail that even then hangs near her knees, and is of course, even longer down. Lastly is a tattoo on the back of her neck that looks suspiciously like the one on her D Comm, which you can just barely see over her collar. If you ever got a closer look to it, you’ll fing the current tattoo is the third of its kind to find that spot, the processor being the ShinRa Company’s label and the one before that even being a symbol closer to the one now.

Character age- Mid to Late Thirties.

Character history-
Born to a wealthy family in the wealthy area of Mideel, Miyoko was of course, the problem child. She got into trouble, fought with the other rich kids, acted like a tomboy, and generally horrified her parents with her behavior. In their eyes, the perfect daughter would have been one who was sweet, kind, of average intelligence, and who got some wishy-washy arts degree at an academy then was married off.

Needless to say, this wasn’t what they got from her. Enthralled by her father’s love of hunting from a young age, she would often accompany him on these trips until her mother insisted that it was ‘un ladylike’ for her to do such things, which began her first signs of drifting away from her family and becoming wild. Without their consent, she would often sneak away to go practice and became quite a good shot, actually.

By the time she was 18, she would disappear on big-game hunting trips and come back with the trophy catch. This caused a even greater fuss at home than her wild partying. Tired of this, Miyoko went home one day, announced that she was going away, eloping with her lover, and that oh, said lover was female. She left her mother fainted on the floor and her siblings in shock before walking out of their house, never to step foot in there again.

Soon after reaching Midgar, Miyoko dumped the girl, changed her name, and walked into a ShinRa Shooting range and boldly challenged the officer in charge that if she could hit a human sized target from 100 yards in the head with only a standard scope, that he should give her a job. After doing so and receiving said job, it wasn’t long after that she was scouted by the Turks, which she jumped at the chance to join as her new, freed persona, Sabine.

By the time she was twenty, Sabine had become a full fledged Turk. She wasn't the best example of one, or even close to a good example, but Sabine was a excellent shot,and when the mission interest her, something big and exciting she was very much into it and did it with flair, trying to outdo herself every time. But on little missions, ones that didn't interest her as much, the woman was more likely to fool around or just ignore the mission altogether. This caused a lot of frustration with the other Turks, especially with her attitude of treating everything like a game and her bad habit of molesting people. Even with senior Turks constantly on her case she refused to change, so Veld does something that seems a little strange at the time.

He gives her a rookie Turk to mentor.

This should have helped her settle down a bit and make her work on passing on her knowledge to the other, and to an extent, it did. The rookie she had taken on was very quiet and closed off, and most of her attention went to actually trying to get him to hold a conversation for more than 3 sentences. A couple of years passed with this, and by the time ‘Two Guns’ had emerged from his shell, he was just as bad as she was, if not worse.

So much for that.

And because mun is lazy, Before Crisis happens here. Rufus ShinRa uses AVALANCHE to try and destroy his father’s company, pins in on the Turks’ Leader Veld/Verdot, and they attempt to go after the ecoterriorists only to find that GASP! Elfe is his long lost supposed to be dead daughter! Small world. After much fighting and manipulation on Rufus’ part, three /fourth’s of the Turks say fuck it and walk, leaving Tseng, Rude, and Reno behind to take care of things while they went into hiding. When some seventeen year old brat started putting the fall of the company you work for on your head, it was pretty safe to say that you were no longer invaluable to the company, no matter how much of a good job they do.

Afterward, Sabine and her partner Two Guns went their own way for awhile and ended up in Junon, where they fooled around for a bit until the whole thing with Sephiroth went down. They were there for Rufus’ inauguration and lurked for some time afterward visiting another Turk known as ‘Legendary’ before they finally decided to part ways, Two Guns heading out East and Sabine moved on to Costa De Sol, making friends under the name ‘Mika’ with some of the more seedier people there in the ShinRa controlled resort, and hitting big in the underground gambling rings all while managing to keep to herself for some time.

Pretty far a fall for a rich girl bloodline, but she didn’t care. The Turks stripped you of your identity beforehand anyway; it wasn’t that hard to recreate a new and different one.

So while all the fun stuff goes on in ShinRa and Midgar, Mika only hears about it in the news and though secret, filtered lines that were few and far between. So she concerned herself with carving out a place to make her invaluable, necessary even, to the area though other people. It was, after all, easier to build other people up than try to do the same to oneself while hiding. These ideas, however, are interrupted when the WEAPONs are unleashed and everybody panics, trying to flee and hide in hopes of keeping their lives.

Mika finally emerged from Costa De Sol’s underbelly around this time after Veld had gotten in contact with her, figuring that with the impending threat of the apparently not-dead Sephiroth, ShinRa would be too busy to be bothered with a bunch of supposedly dead ex-Turks gathering. They are together when Meteor falls, and they know that this is the end of one era and maybe into a newer, possibly brighter one. Not that she really cared, Mika still only really cared about few people at this point, so when some of the Turks go to Midgar she goes back to the place she now calls home and lifts the deeds to a few of the places, invests what’s left from what she could smuggle out of Turk pay and dealings in Costa Del Sol, and opens a club. With some smart advertising and people moving out of the Ruins of Midgar to the second biggest city on the planet, the place slowly becomes a hot nightspot as the world knits itself back together.

Character personality-

Mika’s pretty self-conscious about who she is and what she portrays herself to be. As one of the few Turks to like a ‘privileged’ life before coming to the job, she has a tendency to show off and do things with a flair, just to prove that it wasn’t her family that got her this job, but her skills as a hunter. Inwardly, she’s a perfectionist in all things concerning herself-Looks, the way she does things, how people view her… but it’s well hidden under a teasing and devil-may-care attitude.

She’s pretty wild and outgoing, with a sarcastic streak to boot. She has a tendency to affectionately nickname anyone and everyone, mostly with a nickname that could be considered slightly degrading. Even outside of missions, she’s a hunter; finding what she wants and ruthlessly tracking it down until it’s hers through words and actions and using everything at her disposal to get it, even her sensuality. Mika will flirt with anyone, and her Sexual Orientation is often called into question (especially after drinking,) but it really doesn’t bother her as much as anything else would. In her own words, Mika’s ‘easy to please and quick to leave,’ not staying in a relationship with anyone purely because she doesn’t feel like it.

Unlike other Turks back in the day, Mika didn’t hold any sort of fierce loyalty to her job. Sure she has Turk pride, but if someone’s out of line and she’s called to erasure, there’s not a past memory or emotion that will get in the way of doing the job. It’s been remarked that she can mention someone’s spiral down into depression ‘as casually as the weather.’ This doesn’t make her a bad Turk, per say-but she’s defiantly not someone people would think to confide in.

Since leaving the Turks though, Mika’s gained sort of a bit of protectiveness for her working girls. She never has relations with them and makes sure that they’re taken care of to the best of her ability, in the club or out of it.

Random: She scores as a ESTP (http://keirsey.com/handler.aspx?s=keirsey&f=fourtemps&tab=4&c=promoter ) on the Myers Briggs personality test.

Digimon personality-
Impmon, when compared to Mika, is easily much less excitable and more serious where the woman is slightly flaky. The digimon seems to barely tolerate its trainer, though wouldn’t trade her for the world because deep down, they both know they are supposed to be a team and make it work out. Even though they never use the word ‘Partner’ (Mika insists that she would ever only have one, and that was back in ShinRa.) they are still an amazing team.
Team or not though, they get on each other’s nerves a LOT. Mika sees this as being forced away from her home, and she is defiantly not the kind of person who likes being forced into things, so a lot of her frustration is going to go out on Impmon, who won’t stand for that of course, and lots of arguing will be had.

Character abilities-
-An Excellent shot with most types of guns, though she prefers her codename’s sake, the Shotgun.
- Very athletic, she can jog for miles at a time and has a lot of upper body strength. ShinRa trained Turks to be killing machines, and even after all this time she hasn’t given that up. Besides it makes for a sexy body~
-Good at intimidation, whether it be though words or though force.
-Gets straight to the point, pretty much blunt in everything she does unless she’s teasing.

Kidnap? You can try.
Noncon? See how well that works out. In Soviet Russia, Mika Rapes YOU.
Angst? Unlikely.
Attack? Go for it, if you like Bullets.
Kill? No. Reasoning - I like her too much
Het, yaoi, yuri? Convince me, n/a, Yes
Rating Cap: None. (G to N-17)


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