I'm almost tempted to put this 3AM rambling under a cut to save you from reading it...

Feb 24, 2010 02:46

I get moments of great nostalgia without thinking about them, really. I suppose no one really goes into anything seeking nostalgia; after all, it is a fairly melancholic destination. This is neither here nor there, though. My real reason for bringing this up stems from the last 5 hours.

A large proportion of my evening has been spent listening to recordings of Sergei Rachmaninov playing his own compositions. His dark works, made even more brooding by his hand, have provided a perfect soundtrack to my dithering about on the internet. You see, my dithering tonight was not so unfocussed as it usually is. No, tonight has had a purpose, even if I didn't intend it at the start.

It's no secret that I read webcomics. In fact, I have for a good number of years. I started reading them in high-school when the stories and images were generally created by people at least four, if not more, years my senior, and, as such, I sort of idolised these giants of creative production. They quickly became an amazing focus, as their stories were intricately woven. Their characters, if not perfectly detached from the author's own desires (can someone say "Author Surrogate?" Good, you get a biscuit) at least echoed enough of the reality of being a teenager well enough to make up for the shortcomings.

Webcomics were my introduction to the comic-world as a whole, and have been a constant. I took pride in the fact that I was present when Fred Gallagher, the author and artist behind "Megatokyo", proposed to his girlfriend at Katsucon. I was dumbstruck when I got to meet Jeph Jacques, the mind behind "Questionable Content", even though it was for a brief moment in time.

These things are true, and yet, until tonight I had lost track of so many that I had read over the years. Even now I can not seem to piece together everything, but I remember names here and there. I snippet of a character name, or artist name, is usually enough on the internet to find what you're looking for, even if it takes a little while. I had even forgotten about comics in which I had appeared as a guest character (The Lounge; a comic that I think I read more for the art style at the time than anything else as it reeks of being written by a VERY heterosexual male).

Tonight I looked for stories I had forgotten about, and found that some of them had eventually ended whilst others petered out. It's a shame: I wish I could have found out the endings to the stories without them.
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