Spare Update

Apr 25, 2008 11:38

This is an update on all the spares so far in the story. It's really a test to see how my new editing looks in an update. Let me know if the pictures look better or if you think I should just post them like before? Thanks!!

This is Peach and her wife Vanessa.

Here's Peach with their adopted son Trevor.

Here's just some Trevor smustle. He fits into their family perfectly because all three of them just smustle all day long until they're about to die from hunger.

Here's Leroy and his lover(they're both romance and are scared of getting married) Marsha.

Here's Marsha being all pregnant.

Here they are being all lovey-dovey. You would think two sims who are always making out would want to be married.

Their son James is a momma's boy.

That's okay though, because Leroy got abducted and had a baby of his own. April loves her daddy more then anybody.

Princess married Cooper and they had twins. Jake and Jane are the twins names. Really, this family is rather boring and I only played them until the twins became children.

And last is the beautiful Daphne.

She married Holdon and had their first son Jerry. She is pregnant again, and she's rather big. I think there might be more then one baby this time around.
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