Drabble: PUMPKIN

Oct 12, 2012 20:29

It's been a very long time since i've taken a dip into the creative crevices of my ole brain. I have missed drabbling about my favorite pirates, and thus break out the pen, er....cursor, once again! Onward ho!

Title: Made Ya Look
Rated: G
Prompt: Pumpkin
Disclaimer:BOO! Disney's......
Characters: Jack, crew, and some kid.

"B'tter watch yer back, there c'pn. No tellin' what hellions might appear before ye," the old man said as he watched Jack lean against the post with his hat dipped down over his face.

Jack slowly lifted his head letting his eyes peek out from under the brim. "Me thinks I do not believe in the old ghost stories. I've had my fair share of run-ins with miscreants that I should know a ghastly trickery if I see one."

The old man shook his finger and gave a sly tilt of his lip. "Mark my words, youngin', you are in for a rude awakening if ye keep that chip on your shoulder."

Jack gave a slight nod with a snicker low under his breath.

"BOO!" came a voice in the shadows. At the sound, Jack leaped from the pole, unable to gather his wits, falling into the street. Face down in the muck, he rolled over to reprimand the fool that made him lose his ground. "Listen here, you filthy, mangy, stupid..." Laughter filled the air as a child lifted a hollowed jack-o-lantern from over his head. "Oh."

"Captain Sparrow, I GOT you! And you said that it would be impossible to trick you..."

With a disgusted stare, Jack slowly got up, ripped the gourd from the child's hands. "Yes, well, I also never imagined a pumpkin could cost me 8 of my nine lives...."

short stories, jack sparrow, potc, drabbles, pirates of the caribbean, creative writing

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