ONE SHOT: Letters of Love

Jun 26, 2010 07:58

Characters: Jack Sparrow
Rating: PG
For: Depp Impact 10 Year Celebration Fan Challenge~Week 1: Write a Letter of a Main Character to a Minor Character
Disclaimer: As much as I would LOVE to claim my captain, I cannot. Darn. You. Disney.
Summary: Jack is sailing and he feels the need to send a letter to Scarlett while in port in a sleepy little town telling her how he truly feels. (This is before the "No, I don't love you" comment he made to her in AWE)

My dearest, fairest Siren,

Six months at sea seems to be an eternity sailing on the doldrums of latitude and longitude where the lines never cross. My heart pulses at the mention of your name upon my lips. For, as you see, I love you. I shall say it again.

I love you. I pine for you.

Your sweet laughter fills my ears with a resounding melody that not even the greatest composer, nor God, could ever majestically recreate. Your smile is forever burned in my mind and I cannot wait to gaze upon it again.

Your hands, soft and supple, with nigh a callous to mark the smooth surface, will once again be held in mine. Though, I do not dare think how you let these rough, weather-beaten fingers caress the tender hills of your palms.

I shall be at your service once again in a few months time. Making port in this little town makes me yearn to see your lovely face, your smart figure and wild, russet hair. All women seem mediocre to your bounding beauty.

My dearest, I smile at the thought when we shall once again take to conversation. I have many stories to regale you with that you will not believe. And, as I can imagine as you are reading this, your laughter yet again can be heard. I do not come to you with wild stories told by pirates on the seas that wish they had adventures as eccentric as I. For, life on the sea, can be as dull as an asperous blade if you do not go seeking for what you wish to seek.

That is where I stand out amongst the stodgy men that call themselves sailors and pirates. I come bearing gifts and trinkets of gold to place around your neck and upon your delicate fingers.

Wait for me, darling, and I shall return with armfuls of fortune.

I bear my heart on my sleeve for thee. Until we meet again.

In servitude,
Your pirate Captain,
Jack Sparrow

jack sparrow, disney, potc, fan fiction, depp impact, pirates of the caribbean, creative writing

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