Today's post is about *brace yourselves* GIBBS! Is everyone surprised? Cause you should be. Our groomer is going to take Gibbs while we are in Newfoundland, which is a huge relief to me because, honestly? I really didn't want him in a kennel. And everyone knows that Gibbs LOVES Sarah. She has two retrievers and she'll be taking him to work with her, so it's all good. We were there the other day and he played for almost 2 hours with her. He's the only dog that i've ever met that goes ga-ga for the groomer...or the vet...or anyone that stops for 4 seconds infront of him....good grief, my dog is an attention whore!
In other Gibbs news, today we went to my friend's place. Judy has a 4 year old collie cross and a 10 week old beagle puppy. GIbbs wasn't overly sure what to do with the puppy in the begining because she's small but that lasted for about 58 seconds. Because he realized that she likes to play as hard as he does. Now Judy lives in a small-ish apartment so we made the smart choice to take the mutts to the dog park. Holy crap and a half. Gibbs was beside himself! This is a dog park in Midland and is about 10340q346 times the size of the one that we normally go to. He was in heaven. There was 20 other dogs there and he ran HARD for the 2 hours that we were there. And he was pretty well behaved. He only tried to hump one of the other dogs, who then put Gibbs in his place. After that, it was all good. AND! He came to me when i called him. He never does that. I think he figured that if he showed he can behave in public, i'll take him out more, cause you know that i totally lock him in the house all day and do nothing with him.
GIbbs and Willow aren't cuddling, trust me. Neither one of them would conceed the spot to the other one
because every dog likes to sleep with their chewy covering their face!
Today is May 15 and here is today's joke:
A really huge muscular guy with a bad stutter goes to a counter in a department store and asks, "W-w-w-where`s the m-m-m-men`s dep-p-p-partment?"
The clerk behind the counter just looks at him and says nothing.
The man repeats himself: "W-w-w-where`s the m-m-m-men`s dep-p-p-partment?" Again, the clerk doesn`t answer him.
The guy asks several more times: "W-w-w-where`s the m-m-m-men`s dep-p-p-partment?"
And the clerk just seems to ignore him. Finally, the guy is angry and storms off.
The customer who was waiting in line behind the guy asks the clerk, "why wouldn`t you answer that guy's question?"
The clerk answers, "D-d-d-do you th-th-th-think I w-w-w-want to get b-b-b-beat up?!!"
see you tomorrow!