So today was the visitation for Colton. And i am going to admit that i totally chickened out and didn't go...well, i did go into Orillia and i went to the funeral home but i just couldn't go inside. Is that bad? As much as everything in my being was telling me that i needed to go, not only for myself but for his family, i couldn't make myself do it. I feel awful about it but still....
And here, weather wise? It's FREEZING! Today was the high of -18. Right now it's about -24 and dropping. And then by Tuesday, it's supposed to be +2 with freezing rain. Go figure. Gibbs was outside for a while and came in with his teeth chattering, poor baby. And yeah, today is January 16 and here is today's joke:
You might be a redneck if...
Your soap on a rope doubles as an air freshener.
Your wife's hairdo attracts bees.
Your baby's first words are "Attention K-Mart shoppers."
The antenna on your truck is a danger to low flying airplanes.
Your primary source of income is the pawn shop.
You pick your teeth from a catalog.
You've ever financed a tattoo.
You refer to the time you won a free case of oil as the "day my ship came in."
Your hairdo has ever been ruined by a ceiling fan.
Your mother has been involved in a fist fight at a high school sports event.
see you tomorrow!
ps-we booked our room for Trinity, Newfoundland today. Sharon, it's a 3-bedroom cabin! You're going to love it!