bad joke of the day

May 07, 2010 20:24

So today Gibbs graduated from clearing off the book shelves to clearing off the dining room table.  I think that he's part monkey.  He's discovered that if he shoves the chair out, he can jump up on it and then onto the table.  What a brat.  After work today, i stopped and picked him up another balloon to play with.  Which he did...for all of 10 minutes before he bit it and let all the air out of it.  He's hilarious to watch with it though.  Even if he kills the thing in a short amount of time.

It's supposed to freakin' snow this weekend.  Apparently Mother Nature looked at the calendar and only saw the letter 'm' and thought 'march' not 'may'.  She's really messed up.  Right now it's cold and wet.  I don't mind the rain.  I love laying in bed and listening to it.  I have a ton of stuff to do tomorrow on my day 'off'.  Laundry, i have to run to Barrie at some point to pay for my cake decorating class.  That kind of crap.  Other than that, i'm going to be in my pajamas, and nothing is going to make me get dresesd.  Today is May 7 and here is today's joke:

Why did the blonde burn her ear?

The phone rang while she was ironing!

see you tomorrow!

ps-today at work i made lemon raspbery cheesecake bars and cinnamon buns (that were my own recipes. I made lots of other regular stuff)

mother nature, blond jokes, gibbs and his balloon, humour, crappy weather, bad joke of the day, jokes

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