Dec 19, 2005 21:38
Three more days till my Vacation Starts...........I just have to hope these next 3 days go by quickly. Then I'll have 11 days off and only took 4 out of my own personal vacation time. Its Very Sweet.
Rob started his vacation tonight. Three more days of rest before me..........He's out Christmas shopping for me with the boys. What is he getting me? I'm even clueless to that. I didn't give him any ideas on what I wanted because I honestly don't want anything. I have no idea what I want. It was hard as hell to give my parents some ideas.
All my Chirstmas shopping is complete with the exception of one thing. Thats easy. My parents and brother were completed Thursday night, and Robs family was a sinch because they already received there christmas present months ago. A Cruise. The Cruise went from a Thank you, retirement present for his dad, and also birthday gifts to christmas presents. Rob sister and husband payed the majority of it, but hey beats me going shopping. His sister and husband is just some cash towards a grill they wanted. The Nephew is getting a Gift Cert. To Oshkosh in the Woodbury Commons. I wanted to get him a little 4 wheeler but its to small and the other is just to big. I was going to buy some clothes, but he's in between sizes....So a Gift Cert. Is what the little boy gets. Not like he knows anything right now. He's not even 2 lol. I just dread the Woodbury Commons even if i'm running in for 2 seconds..... YUCK!!!
All Christmas Wrapping is COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
**************XBOX QUESTION******************
DOES ANYONE KNOW IF CALL OF DUTY TWO CAN BE PLAYED WITH TWO PEOPLE? We really want the game, but Both of us want to me able to play it together. So your help is GREATLY appreciated before I spend 60 bucks on the game.
We played Wolfenstein for 7 1/2 hours last night. We were up till 12am playing. I would still have been playing past 12 if I didn't have to work in several hours. I hate you can't save the damn game. It sucks all that work and you loose it.