I have decided many of my friends are whiney little girls! And yes, I could be talking about you.
I want a barstool for my classroom. I'd be neat to sit at the overhead with a nice barstool. Just a-teachin...and a-sittin.... Them's the moments, you know?
I bought the best smelling candle! It's Pumpkin Spice, and I want to eat it it smells so good. Maybe I'll get pizza instead.
Nat is sick and irritable. Blech.
This morning I woke up voluntarily at 8 AM to work on my platform paper. Ok, so Esmerelda woke me up at 8 AM trying to get into the guinea pig cage and I threw my bra at her. Yeah, mature, I know. The things you do when you're half asleep. Anyway, I decided to go ahead and get up, and had my paper done by 9:30. I was up until THREE AM talking to Sean, and I blame him 100%. Maybe if he hadn't intentionally kept me from my assignment, I could have gotten it done. Today I have the tired headache you usually only get after a night of drinking, and all I did was sit up and chat. All night long. It's addictive, I tells ya.
He introduced me to Hot or Not last night. I had known about it, but what a freakish place that is! You can type in any bizzare interest, and it will find someone. We found cannibals and everything. Some of the people had combinations like, "bondage, rough sex, homicide, Marilyn Manson, death, ...bunny rabbits?" Huh? Musta been bunny rabbits of death. Anyway, my favorite (and yes, I had one) was the big brother.
http://meetme.hotornot.com/r/?emid=K8AMKUN Surely that one is fake! I still can't get over it! Human eating, suspender wearing, disco dancing mental case!