primpin' aint easy

Aug 25, 2006 18:43

I finished College Algebra (for the second time in my college career) with a freaking B! I was ecstatic. I was only counting on a C with my math skills, but I suprised myself and most. I'm pretty proud of it.

I am not proud of the temperature outside lately. I'm also not proud of my leather interior in my crappy car. The heat is unbearable. So bad, I cant even bring myself to go swimming, even though there's a pretty large amount of water involved.

I'm really excited and ready to get back to school and a regular schedule. Just my luck, school starts monday. Like most semesters, I'll probably start bitching around the 3rd or 4th week. I've really enjoyed this summer. Although I took summer school both sessions, I had plenty of time to hang out with friends and do absolutely nothing if I felt like it. I'm taking 16 hours next sememster, the largest load I've taken yet. I'm taking xanax donations now.

My 25th birthday is coming up and I'm considering ignoring it. I can't believe it. 25 seems so ancient. The 18 year old version of me was sure I'd be graduated by now, working in a design firm. The 15 year old version of me thought I'd be married and probably living out of the state. But now that I'm here, I can't imagine any of those things being real.

My kitten is no longer small and cute, he's big and cute. He looks a lot like scout now and likes people a lot more. He really loves scout (Laurens cat). They sleep together and I love it.  Pictures soon.
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