after MUCH delay, i finally have some spare time to upload all my freaking formal photos.
be patient, there are a lot.
they are also of varying quality as i used three different cameras over the night.
it was november 24th, and everyone and i mean EVERYONE looked stunning.
it still lingers in my mind at least three times a day, it was just THAT fantastic.
also, prepare yourself for the hilarity of the afterparty!shots!
so, without further delay, i present:
the teaser:
my darling tim and i outside the log cabin, where the formal was hosted for the evening. it's quaint, and beautiful.
#before the formal: at tim's house#
tim and his family - aleena, him, his mum and joel. joel's so tall and he's only 16!
numerous male model jokes to be made... but i totally cannot be bothered. use your imagination.
tim again. eeee, i love him.
tim and i.
his suit was the sex.
and, well, i ♥ my dress.
lesser quality, woooo.
our!ride! such an awesome car.
camerawhorelikewhoa. pssssh, i'm allowed, i'm in a flowy dress!
#before the formal: at the river#
big rick and tim.
clancy, toddy and amelia. so lovely.
holy crappola it's scott...!
tim and his peepZ y0.
tim and amelia.
group shot! how cool is luke's suit? [all red, woot]
so cool that tim needed a photo with him!
ah yes, this one is oh so flattering of me...
sigh. and in this moment i am happy.
tim and his sister aleena!
#at the formal!#
best.girls.ever. myself with sarah and karina. oh how i love reenie.
sarah and marky.
scott and reenie live across the road from each other. wooot.
katie, ali and karmen were perhaps a little too eager to get into the champers.
the start of a series of squishface photos: me and marky...
...and sarah... [so SO pretty]
...and reenie...
...and clancy...
...and phoeebs...
...and amanda...
...and georgie...
...and last but most DEFINITELY not least, justy!
random shot. that's booty, tim, scott, hicksy, luke and reenie.
jess and pat making their grand entrance. jess' dress was SO fantastic, i bombarded her and thus perhaps frightened her just prior to this photo being taken. but awww... aren't they sweet?
a sufficiently less awkward photo of jess and i [compared to past specimen]. our dresses were just... gah.
the three... musketeers... next.
vanessa arriving in her stunningly hot car.
jono and clancy, so cute together.
katie and jess ♥.
lil and i. i think it's safe to say that lil had, quite possibly, my favourite outfit of the formal.
my two favourite hughgrant-crushees.
tim and laura. who, CRAZILY, spent $850 on her dress!
having spent that much money, she DESERVED to be photographed! hahaha, that and she's absolutely gorgeous of course.
ooooh contrast. oh how i loathe thee, HSC english.
the obligatory todd and pat shot. this time they almost look nice!
my homey-G bra'ahs, lil-pac and jess-dogg.
woooo, mr stone - greatest man ever!- with scotty.
unfortunately this is my only photo of us four, and it's slightly blurry. but i still adore it!
meghan told everyone she was going to be running late because of rehearsals so we were all so excited when she arrived far earlier than expected! this is her sandwiched (eww) between pat and todd.
aaron arrived, looking spiffy in his new threads. ha, i'm down with this shizzit.
jimmy and his stunningly gorgeous girlfriend, kareena. these are his own photos but they are so great i had to post a couple!
sarah and kareena.
amanda, jimmy and reenie.
the room in which we deliriously consumed our three course meals, as well as drooled inm boredom semi-consciously when the speeches/awards ceremony extended far beyond our wildest nightmares.
i hate when you ask someone to take a picture for you and they don't tell you when they are going to press the button! argh, pet hate.
this picture makes me giddy.
the boys with bazza.
the emo boys! so hot. still not sure if it was taking the piss or not, but either way it definitely landed them far more photographs than usual.
aaron, paz, marky and jimmy in front. lovely...
this one is jimmy's own, but i just love it.
definitely a bizarre combination of people to be this cosy - reenie, justy and jimmy. i tend to make all my friends have -y nicknames.
an and rick.
aaron and laura!
haha this was my take on the aerial shot the professional photographers took of the boys of our grade. hmmm.
i don't know why but i look awkward... oh well, meet tracy. i LOVE tracy!
her and shell.
meghan and alison. wheeee, with the lovely river in the background!
hahaha, so hot right now. go toddy.
at our table... wooot.
tim being "helpful". hahaha.
tim and mr wilcox.
lil and reenie.
clearly, something is hilarifying.
ms b, lil and coach. woot.
reenie is SUCH a poser. and how weird/cool does that pearl look in this photo?!
clearly she has something worth grinning about.
I GOT AN AWARD!!!! hahaha, so fitting.
but... why me? i don't understand? hahahaha. it was such an appropriate award.
we're so funnehhh.
oh another squishface photo that i must have missed earlier! oh well.
tim and chloeeee.
#at the afterparty!#
jimmy and lauraaaaa.'s probably best not to ask.
ahaha, chad and laura.
i ♥ that ribbon ohsomuch.
whatchuuu doooin'.
matty and georgie.
kane! can't believe this is the only photo i got of him all night!
hmmm... lovely.
and chad. i was trying to take an arty mirror shot but he stood in the way. bastard :P
slightly intoxicated? :O! NO WAY!
directly before this photo was taken, she ran up to me and said "ohmygodohmygodohmygoddd! can i PLEASE be baby spice?!".
i said yes, and this was the result.
so much love and affection. gotta love penrith high.
shortly after, we found a giant novelty witches hat.
meanwhile, hicksy passed out wearing his spew-stained rented suit. way to go!
kristy, aaron and amelia.
patpat ©toddy 2005.
and finally... aaron and laura the next morning! we stayed up all night. this was at about 7am? eeek. so tired.
haha i love you if you read all that. not that there's a lot of reading, it's more "viewing". but either way, ahaha. so long.