(bangs head against desk) Internet's back up at home, the system's updated (thank you, Microsoft, for a massive Patch Tuesday this month, not, and WTF does .Net 3.5 SP 1 install a Firefox extension that's a pain to remove???), and the weather's actually cooperating (so neither my head or computer are being fried), so I ended up catching up on
dragonsinger's journal. Man, I didn't realize that I'm two months behind on people's personal journals! I mean, in the back of my mind I knew, but it didn't really hit until I read through (well, skimmed, really, since I do need to go to bed - I crashed for a little bit when I got home from work, since my brain was fried earlier) it. Argh. It's going to be slow going, getting caught up, I think. At least work's settling down now that the glorious day arrived on Tuesday and the kiddies are back in school, so hopefully I won't be beat when I get home and be able to go online. (crosses fingers)
Totally unrelated side note: you know Den-O has eaten your brain when you see the swan stuffie sitting in a chair over in Children's, and all you can think of is "Zu ga takai!" a la Sieg (and thank you, Wikipedia, for having the phrase in Sieg's part of the Imagin entry, so I can try to make sure I get it right). I was tired after doing my usual run-around-Circ-shelving-and-weeding-holds on Monday night (since, with three of us there, and two of us being people who deal with the holds, we can get a lot done), which may also explain this, but...
Totally unrelated side note #2, but it does tie in to my icon: am I the only person who gets ticked off when I know the announcers are mispronouncing people's name during Olympic coverage? Kousuke (Kitamura, the swimmer, whose family name was also slightly mispronounced) isn't that hard to pronounce, NBC (although I can't remember if it's them or ABC that can't pronounce Daisuke correctly either, when the figure skating Worlds aired)! I catch the Japanese ones, which makes me wonder how many other names they're messing up.
Totally unrelated side note #3: Mom left the TV on WCBD (our local NBC affiliate) after the Olympic coverage so she can see the news. Carolyn Murray still looks like an ugly drag queen, unlike the FABULOUS ones on Project Runway tonight (especially Varla Jean Merman and Acid Betty - I really thought Terri was going to win, and I think she did so as well, because my first comment seeing Acid Betty on the runway was "Amazing!" Joe's jumpsuit for Varla Jean was perfect as well, though, and I did love it, but I thought Terri's outfit was just slightly better for the challenge. (shrugs)). Mom just went to bed, though (and I'll be following in a few minutes, after I make my tea and d/l Bleach), and kindly turned it off. (g)