I just mentioned this in some comments I left for
dragonsinger, but I've got to post this here, since it really needs to be shared.
Badfic of the day:
A Rose From Old Terra, by Don Sakers. Go to the Amazon page I just linked and witness this marvel, which I had to check out to see how bad it really was. Between the badly Photoshopped cover (and the larger image on Amazon doesn't do it justice - in person, the clipart rose is REALLY pixelated) and the catchy blurb (starting with LIBRARIANS IN SPACE... - which really reminds me of Pigs in Space from The Muppet Show, just from the way it sounds and the way I want to say it), you get the idea. Librarians saving the universe in a gay SF novel? I'm so there. (giggles) Actually, I didn't realize that it is a gay SF novel until I saw the Amazon page, and how they had it catalogued. Too bad it's not a GOOD gay SF novel - I wouldn't mind reading THAT. At least the latest Dresden Files book came in for me (and what are the odds that the routing slip that fell out of one of the books I was processing would come from my own hold?), to act as a palate cleanser. (g)