Final Tech Trek Thougts and Misc. Stuff

Nov 17, 2007 00:16

I've been meaning to do this, but for some reason, I keep not ending up doing my usual websurfing when I'm on the computer. I'm either watching stuff, or writing. Anyway:

  1. Final Tech Trek thoughts - what I learned from it was:
    1. Bloglines is addictive.
    2. I already knew almost all of this stuff, and practically none of it was new.
    3. I love YouTube way too much.
    4. I hate MySpace. Seriously.
    5. I have now probably gotten in touch with all of the CCPL otaku. (Note to self: must write article on fansubbing/scanlations for the CCPL otaku wiki.) This is a very good thing for me, as I've made new friends who actually understand what I'm wibbling about.
  2. I forgot to post a particular bit of TeniPuri Perfect Live from YouTube when I was posting all of those links, although I did post to the poster's profile. My vote for Best Entrance Ever goes to Suwabe Junichi for reenacting Atobe's match entrances. He's the fourth person to enter, if you're not sure, and you WILL, as always, be awed by his prowess. Nah, Kabaji? (Kabaji: Usu.)
  3. Also from YouTube, here's the greatest college halftime show EVER: UC Berkeley's (Cal) on 11/3/07. The full list of video games is in the comments. I was dying laughing at parts, especially the Tetris bit, and the flag at the end. Ah, the memories.
  4. John Scalzi said he wouldn't go to the Creation Museum unless you paid him. Well, his readers did, so he went. Warning: there's repeated swearing in the article, but it's made of win, as are the accompanying picture set.

Off to bed.

tenipuri, vidspam, tech trek 2.0

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