Baltimore has been absolutely pleasant, and rather than bore with a post, I'll summarize.
Roommates = +
Acrylic Class = +
Digital Imaging Class = -
Field Trips = -
Getting to see Ian = +++++
Oh and of course, the pictures!
The commons, where we live there are two other buildings that surround the grassy area.
Our first day, Nelson, Dona and my apartment-mate, Laura.
Baltimore goodness!
Our first round of toilet fun, its almost like the hurricanes in Miami! (Poor Laura)
Laura and my other apartment-mate, Emilie making some intense macaroni and cheese. (To explain "apartmentmate", since no one really paid the 150 for their own rooms, they ran out of double rooms fast, so most people do have single rooms, with three other roommates)
Kirby, who is my mom's long lost Chemistry-loving child at the Hamptons.
We all went vintage and thrift shopping in some pretty pimp stores, and no, Laura isn't tall, Nelson was pretty bent over.
Bal'more, hon.
Laura and I played Peter Pan dress up in our obnoxiously bright MICA shirts the night before the Washington D.C trip. Night before of course being 3 a.m.
Some of the kids from my residence group, we were too cool for the Sean Paul party, so we have balcony and painting parties.
My last apartmentmate, Erin, who is a bit of a treehugger. (Rimshot) I tried to convince her to do that thing where you don't wash your hair for so long it washes itself, shes already 1/4th way there, and totally into it.
Anthony from my residence group acting very homosexual. (But ladies, he isn't!)
The love of my life, in livin' color!