Wow what a couple of weeks! In the past 12 days, I've somehow managed to:
-quit my crappy corporate cafe job
-perform one of my rants at the Trans Day of Remembrance (TDOR) spoken word event ( I even got a (half the room) standing ovation.
-get an e-mail from S. Bear Bergman about having the aforementioned rant published in the Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation anthology
-publicly call out Bill Siksay @ TDOR. It felt like he was speaking as though his sole intention for being there was to garner the "trans vote." Not effing appropriate for a memorial service.
-bike and hike up a trail in lynn valley canyon in north van. I googled the distance Telyn and I went and it 36kms in total!
-sleep 12 hours after the aforementioned bike ride :)
-organize the first Vancouver edition of I Want Your Sex Too! (
-get asked out on date for this wednesday with a really rad grrrl
-have a really good set at F.O.D. and then proceed to dance my ass off to Boo and Hugs's set
-go to straight edge night at Hug's place and meet a bunch of really rad folks
-meet a woman who's just learning how to tattoo and start talking about getting her to do some work on me
-start organizing a road trip for this weekend to nelson, b.c. through the okanagan valley
-still have a really great time despite this weather