augh BS

Jun 17, 2009 04:00

So. Cell phone decided I live in a different time zone, so I was late to work. Phone continued this asinine behaviour even after multiple restarts, taking the battery out, and even looking at the built-in World Clock. Managed to show the clock BS to my coworker so they don't just think I'm pulling insane excuses out of my ass. The problem seems to have fixed itself, but I will be distrustful of it for a while.

Finally bought the Sims 3, after going to the store and not buying it for $50, going to work and buying it online for $40, and finally going to pick it up at the same store 2 hours later on my break. However, it doesn't want to play nicely with my video drivers, and keeps making my computer crash randomly. Hopefully I can get this sorted out - video cards are expensive and my built-in graphics card should work, according to the game manual. I like a lot of the new personality things, as well as the fact that you can give them individual voices. My first character wants to be James Bond, which is funny considering I may or may not have been influenced by Dee in his character design.

Also you can give them weird skin tones, like blue, green and red. I am tempted to make a family of Andorians. XD
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