stuff i want capcom to make

Sep 15, 2008 19:07

Resident Evil: Bravo Delta Alpha for Xbox 360, Wii and PS3
this would bassicaly be what we all wanted RE0 to be. a look into what the heck Bravo team was doing for 24 hours, lost out in the woods. It would be played out in a very Outbreak style. It would contain four seperate games, all seen from the point of view of one of the four memmbers of Bravo Team, Enrico, Forest, Kenneth, and Richard. They would all interlock, vantage-point style, all counting down to when Alpha team eventualy arrives. you would be able to hear the distant sounds of the opening of REmake. possibly even causing some key events (stray gunfire or some such sturrs the crows and they kill Forest). some stories (like Forest and Kenneth, would end about the same time that RE1 begins. some others, like Enico and Richard's, would go well on past. it would be easy enough to do, especially if they retained the REMAKE style, since they could just reuse everything, like capcom seems to like doing.

Resident Evil: Outbreak File #3 for Xbox 360 and PS3
much longer than the other two Outbreaks, and combines the stories of O#1, 2 AND Resident Evil's 2 & 3. they would all interlock, and all complete the story of the death of raccoon city. events would lead into other events (Brad dies, Leon kills him, Marvin dies, Jill kills him. also think possibilities of jill only getting the heart and club keys, and Leon having only the Diamond and spade keys, and having to wait for key events untill the other charecter mysteriously unlocks the door.) also keep in mind that this would probubly be done in RE4 style, so that means EPIC.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney anime
oooohhhhhh yeah. so, season 1 would be all five cases from AA1 as well as several new cases, and then so on from there.
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