Jul 23, 2005 23:28
one day the worlds gunna blow up and only some people will survive but they will be floating in space because there will be no earth. they will run out of oxygen and go in a coma and dream. when there dreaming some one in their dream will tell them that there in a coma and there gunna die soon and go to heaven and meet god and shake his hand. after that worlds done with gods gunna make another world with only peace. after i die in that explosion i will come back as another person in that peaceful world. my name will be dylan lujan again in that peaceful world but no one will remember me because this is a whole new world. in this world no one will know theres a god or jesus and i will be the one telling every one because i will be the only one from the other real world. i will be the one writing the new bible in the new world for the new people. thats the future.
im a prety good story teller