another outing, and mask observations

Jan 09, 2022 18:21

Today had great weather, 6 C and sunny (kind of a drawback given the low angle, my eyes would prefer overcast), so I set out. Got sushi at Sashimiya across the street (and appreciating the open door). My apartment building seemed to get yet another fire alarm, but I shrugged and left, hoping my home would still be there when I returned. Headed toward Granville island again, or maybe just the south coast? Turned right on 1st, a minor mixed used street, which was fun, then right again toward a park along the waterfront. Which got a bit alarming, even outdoors, given the high case rates: lots of people, and naturally not much masking.

Walked around, passed museums that seemed closed but might not have been, thought I would head home but found I was ending up under the bridge -- the bridges plunge deeply inland, and there aren't any stairs to let a pedestrian on the coast climb up, so I'd have to walk back a fair bit to get on the bridge. Kept walking along water, toward the Granville bridge, found myself on Granville Island proper, where the city encourages us to dine in through January. HA. HA. HA. I did wander around looking at some shops, and started paying attention to outdoor masking.

I am strongly confident that a good majority of people fully masking outdoor were of East Asian ethnicity. And many of the exceptions had an Asian companion. Another was a white girl wearing a lolita-style dress, which is Japanese fashion.

I am weakly confident that a majority of the East Asians were fully masked. Plausible, but less obvious.

I don't have a good sense of the mask types. When I started paying attention along the coast, I saw like five surgicals in a row, but Granville had more of a mix of KF/KN or cloth masks, especially visible through store windows.

As for my own masking, I started with the CAN99 until it got too moist; not much glasses fogging. Tried the Nawell (large) again, but I think they're just too damn large for my head, even with ear loop adjusters, I never felt safe. Also more fog. So back to the Good Manner KF94, with cord locks, and then adding an ear saver hook that came with the Nawell masks, both achieving more fit and sparing the back of my ears; I'm pretty happy with the combination of cord lock and hook.

I was still far from the entrance of the bridge, and my feet were hurting, so I took a ferry across. $3 for a few minutes, but hey. Nice to be on the water. Small boat, capacity of 12 people, but I was right by the open entrance, so good air.

Got more donair/shawarma from the shop with open door and window, but I miss the cheap and big wraps of where I was in Toronto. See the
DW comments at

vancouver, travel

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