about those 100 companies and emissions

Oct 12, 2018 14:00

Okay, people. That "100 companies are responsible for 71% of emissions" thing that you keep sharing? That's so misleading that it might as well be a big lie. Those are *fossil fuel* companies. Coal and oil and natural gas companies. They're not producing the emissions, they're providing the fuel for *you* to produce the emissions. They're not dwarfing the contributions of your car or your transatlantic tourism or your single family home, letting you off the environmental moral hook; they're *providing* the fuel for your car, plane, energy-intensive house, etc.

It's a comforting narrative. "Just a few big businesses are to blame. It's not my fault!" But it's wrong. Your car and your coal- or gas-powered electricity and your gas-heated hot water are still the bulk of the emissions.

Source: I'm looking at the actual report.

The report

And US energy use. I'm pretty sure most of "transportation" is private cars, since most US oil is turned to gasoline rather than diesel or jet fuel.

See the
DW comments at https://mindstalk.dreamwidth.org/503235.html#comments

energy, environment

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