soul signs

Jul 03, 2006 13:22

I bought a book called "Soul Signs" and it's pretty interesting. It goes into 5 different classes of souls -- earth, air, fire, water and sulfur. This isn't to be confused with astrology elements, according to the book. Your "soul sign" and astrology sign are different.

Sulfur is apparently the dark soul, and the description they give it is amazing. Everyone else is divided into three subcatagories that describe like every type of person out there, except for sulfur souls -- which are just pure evil. They use people their entire lives for the purposes of creating chaos.

Upon hearing the description, I realized that the reason Beth causes so much damage wherever she goes, is because there really are people who are born to be true evil, and Beth is one of them. I used to have qualms with thinking of her as below human status, but upon reading this book, I don't anymore. I don't have a qualm qith her being true evil, either -- sulfur souls are extremely rare, and the rest of us outnumber them. Thats just how she is, and theres nothing she can do to change herself. But I mean, even her parents think shes evil, from everything I've heard. Not "confused", evil.

It's got to be a shitty existance, being a sulfur soul. I feel a lot better having read this book about soul signs, because now I don't really blame her in my mind, for being the person she is. She was born that way, just like we're all born a certain way. Nor will I mourn anything about her or our sorid past when she one day ups and dies. She doesn't even have a human soul. How could I ever regard or mourn her?

So, does anybody out there have a person like this that they've encountered in their life? Not somebody who you dislike and would call evil soley because you dislike them, not a "bad person" -- somebody who has done bad things but that you've seen do good things for good reasons, but somebody who, with EVERY action, hurts somebody else or at least attempts to hurt somebody else? Thats a sulfur soul. Tell me about it. I want to know how rare or not-rare sulfur souls are.
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