Things I need to get done today and tomorrow:
- Make CD for Megan.
- Edit video.
- Finish Tuesday's German homework.
- Move the background picture for my new livejournal layout (all props to 'Lee for this one, like the last one! Isn't it shiny?) to a local host.
- Remember to eat food. Eating food is important.
- Do laundry.
- Study for math final.
- Write final philosophy paper rought draft, get it sent to the TA.
- Make calendar of finalized final dates, times, and places.
- Slowly go mad from stress and distractions.
- Let my mother know when spring break is, so she can make travel arrangements, as she's apparently pining for me to visit her.
- Call the father. Let him know that the new quarter's coming up. Talk with him, as I don't talk to him much and that makes me sad.
- Fix layout, which appearantly broke when all I did was change the background picture url. Or get 'Lee to do it for me because she is far more skilled at such things.