Who: The current Team Beta (ie, Ino, Naruto, Sai, Tenten~)
What: Time to execute their coup on Team Epsilon's barracks and get the hell outta this damn tent!!
When: July 3rd, after lights-out
Where: The Tent-Epsilon's barracks
Notes: Warnings for probable potty-mouth, Sai, Naruto's general asshattery...oh, and we broke the comm's cherry! WHOO! I
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But that would be all over once she started throwing tranquilizing darts like they were going out of style. And then there would be a proper barracks bunk she could sprawl out on and not wake up being spooned, or groped or with her face in Ino's chest. Life would be good! "We've got another fifteen until the sentries start shift-changing. At least." At least Tenten's sense of time was doing her some good, even without the help of the little analog clock that continued to count the minutes down to their coup d'état and cast day-glo shadows over their heads (which was helping Sai manage to look more creepy and not less). Tenten reached up and knocked it over. She managed to wriggle closer to Naruto. "Nnph, sorry."
Stick me in a tent, will you? she thought, putting her hand on Tenten's shoulder to get her to settle down. "You and I can take care of the sentries, easily. That would leave Naruto and Sai to sneak in and then do-- whatever it is they do to get rid of Epsilon. As soon as the guards are out, we'll follow them and help out."
It sounded like a pretty solid plan to Ino. Simple, clean, and hopefully quietly. If she took over the body of one of the guards it would be a risk to let her own body lie vulnerable but it was a risk she would have to take. She was banking on this "mission" to be a short one. "Any objections?"
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