Jun 11, 2004 09:50
Wow yesterday was good.
Went to school used my brain for 10 min. (ie. music was just what is the key. What is the chord. Write the solfege under the note and then write if it is a passing tone, suspension or anticipation, then fill in the chords yourself.)
Then i sat and go people's Screen Names.
Went to health under protest... Why go if your final is done?
Because Mr Tyler has a rehersal and there would be no way of geting there if you go home. Merh!
Anywho rehersal went well It sounds beautiful. I am really going to miss all the seniors. This year it is really hitting home. It wasnt like the past year. I had little to no attach ment to them, except a few. This year is a different story. When you are freshmen you connect more with the sophmores and then you grow with them. Now that i am a jr. they are all leaving and im speachless because all of the seniors have left a mark on each and everyone of us. Your presence will trully be missed.
Then after rehersal I went to Amie's house and we painted her room blue. that was fun. Then we walked up to DQ, and she go ice cream so i go a slushi. Cause im trying to be healthy, if you call that healthy. Well then we walked home and i was like oh crap voice
Then went to voice. Very excited for recital now. In the morning i was like this sucks ass. I hate it, but now I am all whoo bring it on. Well here is what happened
-sight reading while trying to conduct. VERY HARD.(but like it)
-then new trick for the order of sharps i will share it with you people. I know most of you would find it helpful
1. Good
2. Day
3. Alfred,
4. Eleven
5. Boys
6. Found (#)
7. Cats (#)
1. Five.
2 Bears (b)
3. Eat (b)
4. Apples, (b)
5. During (b)
6. Grasious (b)
7. Chirstmas (b)
(#) and (b) means its either sharp or flat.
the , marks wher you start for minor.
We decided to sing our peice, that i dont know the words too, but i guess people could not hear that because they were like are you singing in the recital??? and i would reply yes. Then there face would brighten up. It was a confidence boost because I dont usually look at myself as someone who is "an amazing singer with great emotion and perfect tone quality".
Thats what one of the teachers. I was just speechless. LoL Then she was like just know your words. That was sorta of embarassing but hey its kinda funny too.
Then waiting for my brother i was talking to whitney because my mom was driving me crazy, but Whitney and I had a really good convo. You know what y'all. Everyone should just lay off. I hear what you say and what your saying is just plain stupid because you dont know. I think everyone should just lay off and not say things to hurt others. We all have our faults. Lets not explot other peoples faults because they are more apearent then others. How would you like it. No one is perfect. I knwo this goes for me too. I have said a few things and i retrract all statments. I would rather find the facts then make acusations. I love you all but i think a few things about character needs to be changed.
Ok went home Called my pammy and went out till like 3. Went to ground round and we had a jolly ol time catching up the past couple of months. I had a great time. I think i am going to go out with them again tonight or maybe go to sarahs or do both. I have no clue but i have nothing tomarrow.
I love you all,