(no subject)

Aug 20, 2006 01:07

Hey! It's been a while. So here is an update for anyone interested:

1. I've been doing the brain-computer interface research, which is mostly on my own, and which I will be presenting some of at a rather big international conference for... which is all cool... probably my graduate work will focus on this from here on out. On that topic, I have 2 or 3 years left until I am Dr. Jon, unless I find a good enough reason to stop my education beforehand.

2. I'm programming a 3d video game engine. It will be under the .NET platform (using c# and directx 9), mostly because I like .net and directx and the windows operating system. Linux is okay if you have the time in your life to waste micro-managing everything, but the core mechanics of any linux distribution are still not designed at all for personal multimedia computers. The first versions of it will be MMORPG to try to work out bugs and such, and then I want to expand it so that you can use your characters in other games using the same engine, and bring them back after. We'll see how far I get.

3. I work with general motors on the side, getting paid to impliment applications for new technology. What technology you ask? Can't say, it's secret! Mwuhahahahahahaha.

4. I'm engaged now! Happy days! The girl is Amber, and she is the most beautiful, wonderful, kind person ever. She has a will to succeed in life that is a match for mine, and she loves the outdoors, and she is just so sweet and yummy I could eat her all up. The date is in under 2 years, unless in one year we see life being to busy to make it a happy wedding (then we push back the date a year). I don't have more details yet, at least not to share. Instead of the engagement ring thing, we had matching wedding bands made (she didn't want stones, so we went all ou ton bands) and enchanged them such that I where her future wedding ring around my neck and vice versa. The rings will stay with each other until the wedding. She wants to have the wedding at bond falls, so do I, but family and friends may have difficulty with it so the location of the ceremony is still in question. If we did have a ceremony there, we would have a reception party closer to everyone else later (bond falls is 30 minutes from the wisconson border in the upper penninsula.
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