[Character Permissions]

Jul 24, 2011 00:29

Mori has the ability to read minds via her weapon, the Triple Soul Claw (pictured here and ability activated here). Thankfully, it's not an ability where she abuses such but uses it to find out the enemy's weakness(es) and from there create her strategies in battle.

Should this ever occur, I would like to avoid stepping on toes and just assuming it would be alright since I know some players hate such and some characters would hate it even more (and some series have characters where they're immune to mind reading).

So basically, feel free to fill out the form c:

Character Name/Journal:
Name /
(feel free to list all characters here if need be)

Can Mori read their mind?
Simple yes or no will do c:

If so, would she find it easy to do or would she need an outside source to help?
If an outside source is needed, feel free to specify what (another person, a distraction, etc)

If yes, what weaknesses (if any) would she find?
Any and all weaknesses, even something as simple as a specific someone or conflicted emotions at the current time.
If not a combat trained character, please let me know and we'll figure something out!

Any additional questions?
Anything else?

Like I mentioned, she won't really use it much outside of battle. Also, only time she'd use it on any non-combat trained character is if she's interrogating them about another character and they refuse to give the information straight up.
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