May 11, 2008 14:47
Commemorative poem time. >D
Happy Mother's Day to you
Happy Mother's Day to you
My mother's a bi~itch
Yours probably is too.
For those of you whose is is now a was, well. Drinking solves everything that sex won't, eh? Cheer the hell up, it's just a fucking holiday. You don't see me plaguing your f-list by being an emo bastard on father's day or any of that crap. Not~ that I knew mine that well anyway.
>D At any rate. Haven't been around all that much but then, neither have a lot of people. Too many of you've got people to do and places to see, apparently. >D Figures. Next time you all get it in your heads to take massive vacations at the exact~ same time, let me know, eh? You know you want a psychic pervert tagging along.
getting caught in the rain,