Now, after weeks of bugging the techs at the
MSDNAA site, I have finally managed to log in and download my own, totally free, totally legal, copy of Windows XP Professional. Yes, I have again fallen into step with the rest of Microsoft's sheep, but this way I get to use my cool software and games again. :o) That, and things will work without me having to fiddle with them. :o) I am a happy CECS major (or can't you tell?) Anyway, the first week of school was a bit mindless and a bit annoying, a tad enjoyable and a tad nervous, a smidge tasty and a dab joyous. But it's all over now, and I intend to say more about it but have a tight schedule to which I must adhere (read: I'm too lazy to type more, and my first DE quiz is tomorrow morning @ 9:30.) So I shall say ado until you read again, and a good day to YOU.