No-one's home [Waycest, M]

Mar 22, 2011 17:45

Title: No-One's Home
Pairing: Waycest - Gerard/Mikey 
Rating: M
Author: Mindofzeus1
Words: 3, 297
Disclaimer: This is to the best of my knowledge, fictitious. 
Notes: Waycest first-time, includes masturbation.

I’d only just woken to that slight, in-between space when I gathered my thoughts. It was dark - it was always dark when you woke on the bus. The small space, something which I despised in itself, was barely large enough for the bunk it contained. I loved going on tour, it was the best; being at the front of the stage. Knowing, deep in your gut, that just being there was helping so many people.
            But, going on tour had it’s down sides. I almost missed the van, when we just fell asleep on each other. At least then, you woke to the moonlight or breaking dawn through the windows. Now, I wake, and two foot above me is the underside of Ray’s bunk. I look to my left, there is a wall of childhood and family photos blue-tacked securely. To my right is the soft, dark curtain that serves as the only privacy we get. Such a small, dark space.

I rolled over and searched for my phone. I found it eventually, tucked between pillows where I’d fallen asleep on it. I picked a dot of sleep out of my eye and looked at the clock. 11:04 AM. Oh Jesus. . . My soul dropped a notch. We had an interview. It started just over half an hour ago.

‘Fraaaaaank’ I yelled. There was no response, not from anyone. They must have left me here. I tapped out a quick message. Why didn’t you wake me? G. I rolled onto my back and rested my phone on my chest, closing my eyes for another minute.

Didn’t have the heart. You’re not missing anything. Be back later. Frank.  I never got why Frank wrote his entire name. I’d just sent him the message, I knew who it was from. Still. I think the extra sleep did me some good. I felt refreshed, and I tugged back my curtain, squinting in the light it gave. I tumbled out of bed. I tugged off my sleeping T-shirt, dumping it in the general area of my bed as I plodded to the bathroom. I have always been pretty self-conscious, since my teens, even in front of the guys. But there was no one here. Just me. Alone. I smirked.

Another down side of touring; no privacy. It was inevitable, four guys. Four relatively young guys, no girlfriends - none that I knew of anyway. We all needed some ‘special time’ every now and then. Never on the bus - again, as far as I knew, it wasn’t exactly something we all chatted about. I pulled a clean towel form the cupboard and padded into the kitchen, putting the coffee on so it would be ready when I came out.

I jerked my head up. I heard running water. Now I noticed it, I couldn’t see how I had missed it. I was so inside my own head, thinking about how I was going to spend some quality alone time, that I’d missed it. My hand flew to where my pocket would have been, for my phone. Some random-ass dude was in our shower! I was only wearing boxers - my phone was still in my bunk.

Being the utter coward I was, I spent a good two minutes frozen in the kitchen area debating whether or not to go and check it out. Eventually I man-ed up and tiptoed back through the bus, towel still in hand. Through the bunk area, and stopped outside the flimsy bathroom door.

I heard a moan. I didn’t think, at all. I twisted the door handle and pushed the door open, the word ‘Hello?’ leaving my mouth.  I didn’t stop to think that it was the bathroom, that the door was probably shut for a reason.

‘What the f-‘ A familiar voice

‘Mikey?’ I gasped.  My baby brother was standing behind the all-too see through shower screen, apparently having his own ‘special time’

‘Shit, Gee, what the hell are you-’Mikey grabbed around for something, anything to cover himself with. I thrust my hand with the towel in out and turned, closing my eyes. Too late, though.

‘Why didn’t you knock, you jack-ass?’ Mikey said, voice hitching.

‘I-I didn’t think anyone was here, sorry, I’ll just, ah. . ‘ I said, backing up, eyes still shut, and tried to find the door while not looking.

‘No, because the bus ghost was taking a shower’ Mikey gave a half-laugh. I was still fumbling for the door handle when I heard the shower click off and the shower door open. ‘You’re not wearing a top’ Mikey stated.

‘You’re not wearing anything! ‘ I squealed, hand still making huge circles on the door. Had Mikey moved the god-damned handle?

‘Open your eyes, I’m, ah, covered’ Mikey said. I let my eyes open, quickly sourced the handle and shot out of the bathroom, all but jumping back into my bunk. That image would be burned onto my brain forever. Mikey, head dropped onto chest, muscled shoulder slightly hunched, water running down his torso in droplets-

I was bright red. I pulled my curtain across and engulfed my crimson face in darkness again. I couldn’t stop breathing, adrenalin was charging around my veins. I had just seen my brother, my little, baby brother Mikey jacking off in the shower. I put my hand over my mouth, trying to stop any noises escaping as I heard the bathroom door open and Mikey’s footsteps.

Maybe I was going to burst into hysterical laughter, but I doubted it. Something about that image, Mikey’s shuddering breathing. . . It didn’t seem funny at all. It seemed. . . Beautiful. The word came from no-where, and before I could stop it. Then, once I’d thought it, I couldn’t get it out of my head. Mikey had looked beautiful, utterly, undeniably beautiful, and perfect.

‘Hey Gee, is this coffee yours?’ I heard. That in itself was a relief. Mikey was happy to pretend it never happened. I knew that I so was, after the word beautiful came up. My baby brother, beautiful? No! Just, it was wrong. But it was true.

‘Yeah’ I said, taking a deep breath and rolling out of my bunk again, quickly grabbing my sleep shirt and pulling it back on.  Relax, be composed. Normal. It never happened. I walked into the kitchen and picked up the mug he’d made me. Coffee, normal. Good. I sipped it, letting out a satisfied breath when it quenched my thirst.

‘About, err’ Mikey said, and ruined it.

‘Look, It’s normal, I mean, I do -, ah,  I -I mean. . . it’s okay’ I said, before I really thought about it.  I do it?!  What the heavens almighty was I thinking?!

‘. . .Yeah’ Mikey looked at me like I was mad, quite rightly. ‘I was just going to ask about the interview?’ he said. Oh crap, well done Gee.

‘Oh, right. Yeah, Frank let me sleep in. Wait, I texted him, he said. . .’ Then I realised, he didn’t actually say I was alone on the bus. ‘I presumed I was alone here, and then I heard the water and got a bit freaked. Sorry’ I said, finally forming a believable sentence.

‘It’s okay. I didn’t think anyone else was here either; you’re curtain was drawn, I didn’t think to check’ Mikey said, taking a long draught of his coffee to avoid explaining anything more.

I laughed awkwardly to fill the silence, and began opening cupboard doors, looking for something to eat. Maybe Mikey. Wait, what? Did I just make a sick reference to sucking my brothers-

‘You never go without a shirt’ Mikey cut off that thought. I swallowed and pulled out a packet of Pop-tarts.

‘Well, I didn’t realise anyone was here. I was about to have a shower until I found out it was occupied’ I snapped. Trust Mikey to go and comment on my physique.

‘Hey, I didn’t mean it like that. I just . . . You know, you’ve grown up a lot since school’ he trailed off. I kept my back to him as I put the tarts into the toaster as slowly as was humanly possible.

‘So have you. I mean, you’re my little brother, and you were just. . .’

‘Getting off in the shower?’ Mikey said and I turned red again.  ‘Yeah, believe it or not I’ve left the one percent of guys who don’t do it’

‘I do it’ I said. No, we’ve been through this before; you don’t just say stuff like that my brain supplied.

‘I know’ Mikey said. I nearly dropped my coffee cup, and hot liquid sloshed over my wrist. I hissed and grabbed a cloth quickly.

‘I mean, I- at night, sometimes I’m still awake, when you. . you know’

‘You l-listen to me j-jack off?’ I stuttered, not even caring how red I was, and trying to avoid the warm feeling my stomach was getting. It’s wrong to think of him like that. It’s wrong for me to like that he listens.

‘No, I mean. Well, not intentionally. Look, Gee, you just walked in on me. I think that’s a little more embarrassing that a few over heard moans’ Mikey chuckled, putting his drink down and crouching to mop up the liquid that had landed on the floor.

Three things then came to my attention. One, when Mikey had pulled up his jeans before crouching down, there had still been a noticeable bump in his trousers. Guess you spooked him from finishing.

Two, while I was busy staring at my brother’s little problem, he was looking up at me; and my god that was attractive, seeing him looking up at he from just that level. Three, Mikey’s gaze went from my face down my chest to my own little ‘problem’ that had slowly developed since walking into the bathroom.

‘Err’ I said pathetically, one half of brain trying to think of an explanation, and the other half was (wrongly) thinking about how awesome it would have been to stop Mikey’s hand in the shower and replace it with my own, the way he would have lifted his head, water dripping down, and looked at me questioningly. . .

‘Oh god’ I said, before I could stop myself. Mikey didn’t, thankfully, look too angry or upset, only curious.

‘Are you. . .?’ Mikey began. Are you hard for me? God, yes - I couldn’t deny it.

‘No,’ I exclaimed, the lie falling easily. What, my cock is just naturally that big? Yeah right.

‘You are!’ Mikey laughed, standing slowly, not bother to hide his own erection.

‘Shut up, you idiot’ I shoved him. He grabbed me around my waist and laughed, pulling me in for a hug.

‘Aww, my naked body get you all flustered?’ he joked. I was confused, and in denial. This wasn’t how Mikey normally acted, and this was certainly not how I reacted to him.

‘Like I said, you’ve grown a lot. I didn’t realise how good-looking you’d got’ Mikey rubbed my back as I mumbled into his shoulder, embarrassed more than anything.

‘I have a confession, too. You look pretty hot without the shirt’ Mikey said, and I became aware of how low his hand was. It was on my belt, fingertips just brushing under my shirt. Asking permission.

‘This is wrong’ I whispered. We both knew it. We both didn’t care on one level.

‘No one will know. . .’ Mikey breathe din my ear, hot, damp, smelling like toothpaste.

‘No’ I agreed. ‘Our little secret’ I murmured to myself. I felt the faintest, butterfly kiss on my neck, and I offered the rest of my neck to him. He planted more, small, almost innocent kisses all the way up to my jaw.

‘Mikey. . .’ I breathed. He made a humming noise against my skin and let his hand rest on my back just under my shirt. I felt so stupid all of a sudden, being older, and not doing anything to reciprocate.

I ducked my head down, using my nose to nudge his head up, and planted a kiss on the side of his mouth. My heart swelled when a small murmur of delight grew from his throat. I smiled and let my hand trail down his side and brush his belt. I could feel the strain of the fabric.

‘Bed’ Mikey panted, quickly grabbing my hand and pulling my onto his bunk, both our heads ducked because of the limited space I pressed him down so he was laying, and I was perched on the edge. I looked down at him. Last chance, Mikey. Speak now or forever hold your peace.

‘Kiss me?’ Mikey said, and for a moment he seemed like the Mikey I knew, the tentative, never kissed a girl, afraid to get it wrong, Mikey.

I leant down and pressed my lips to his, letting it linger a fraction of a second before running my tongue along his soft, plump lips. He opened his mouth immediately. I was engulfed by the sweet mix of minty toothpaste and sugary coffee, my tongue sought out more of the mixture, roaming around his mouth, until Mikey captured it with his own and started sucking it gently. I swear, I nearly went over the edge then and there.

Mikey must have sensed this, and released my mouth, sitting up, using his hands to pull my hips closer to him. I nudged forwards and Mikey went back to assaulting my neck. I spent a moment breathing carefully before I realised I had a million and one questions to ask him.

‘When-’ I managed coherently, just as he met my collarbone and nipped it affectionately. When did you get into guys? When did you realise you liked me? When did you get so damn hot?

Mikey stopped, and I let out a disappointed moan. ‘Evidently, when you weren’t looking’ he said, somehow managing to answer all of my questions at once. He leant his forehead against mine, and I couldn’t help but stare into his eyes, feeling exposed already.

‘I didn’t know you were into guys’ Mikey almost laughed. Something inside me shoved past the warm feeling that now lived in my stomach. It was a feeling that was deeply associated with the words I’ll show him.

I pushed my baby brother down, a little harder than was strictly needed, and lifted a leg over him, so I was straddling his hips; and leant to leave my own little mark on his neck. Maybe this was what Mikey had been waiting for, because all of a sudden, he didn’t fight back, there were no more smart-ass comments. Mikey had acted  like he knew it all, but I was willing to bet it was just a front. I’m the one in charge.

‘. . .Gee. . .’ Mikey pined. ‘Please’ he breather, so quiet I could have just imagined it. But I didn’t. Mikey had asked for this. I leant upwards, deliberately rolling my hips into him, and got a groan for my work. I chuckled lightly, rocking back again. Mikey’s hands found a brain and began tugging at my clothes, pawing at the hem of my shirt and my belt. I set up a pace or rocking back and forth, settling to suck and nip at my brothers neck as he made small delightful noises in his throat. For me.

‘Too many clothes’ Mikey whined, sounding desperate but oh-so appealing. I smiled again his gleaming skin. I didn’t want to rush this, but with Mikey being so . . . Edible. . . A plan formed in my head and I worked up his t-shirt. Mikey sat up eagerly and pulled it over his head himself, and made for my shirt.

‘Mikey. . .’ I grabbed hold of his wrist, wanting just a moment to think. Mikey didn’t say anything, and I silently thanked him. I want to do this. I knew I did, so many parts of my body were telling me this. I slowly let my grip loosen and Mikey’s long, spindly fingers edged closer to my shirt, tugging it upwards. Breathe. I kept telling myself.

Then it was off, and Mikey was taking charge again, his cool fingers brushing every inch of skin, tweaking and pinching and rolling; and I didn’t care. It felt so damn good, and I began rocking down with more force. We were both panting, desperate for release, and I decided Mikey could have it. I let my hands make quick, agile work of the belt, button and zipper; pushing Mikey back so he was laying down before easing down the denim.

I shifted back on the bunk and Mikey looked at me, breathing hard as I slipped my fingers inside his boxers, sliding them down to his knees as well. Mikey, probably needing something to do, pulled the curtain shut, and then we were in the dark. No light, only the distorted breathing of our lungs. I ghosted my hands over his cock, before leaning down to kiss the head tentatively.

‘Gee. . .’ the word appeared in the darkness above me, thick and broken, and utterly divine. I parted my lips, covering my teeth carefully and relaxing my throat as I took, inch by inch, more of my brother into me. Salty and creamy with pre-come, I couldn’t help but want more. I reached my fill, before holding still a second, enjoying the panted breath I could hear, before I bobbed almost all the way up, swirling my tongue around the head before bobbing down and setting a rhythm.

It didn’t take long- that is, I thought it would take longer, for my brother to finally reach the top of the cliff. His spindly hands grasped at my hair, tugging gently, and then more urgently as he got closer.

‘Gee, I’m gonna, I’m -Oh god, Gee. . . .’ He managed, and was gone. I swallowed frantically as my mouth became full, and gave a few more gentle bobs before finally letting Mikey pull me off. There was silence for a long moment, and I realised Mikey was still gone. I panicked for a moment - what if he’s fallen asleep? Before an answer came.

‘Gee?’ It was a half-moaned whisper, but it made me smile.

‘Hmmm?’ I hummed.

‘That was awesome’ he said, and I felt hands tugging at my waist, pulling me forwards for a sloppy but well meaning kiss. I think it was about the time that Mikey was regaining full use of his brain, when we both jumped.

‘Hey!’ a voice called from the door, which had just banged open noisily. We both froze. Frank and Ray were home. Mikey quickly tucked himself inside his jeans and did the zipper up. I quickly lay down behind him and whispered in his ear ‘Pretend to be asleep. You had a nightmare. . .  And you owe me’ I smirked against his ear lobe before settling and closing my eyes.

‘Mikey!?. . .Gee!?’ Ray called considerably closer. I heard a muffled giggle and some quiet exchanged words before the curtain was pulled back. From between my eye lashes I saw the two faces, shocked but smiling.

‘Awwwww, how cute is that?’ Frank coo-ed.

‘I bet Mikey had another nightmare’ Ray said, and let the curtain drop. We listened in silence until the muffled sound of the TV reached our ears. Mikey rolled back over and faced me, planting a small kiss on my jaw and simply saying ‘I will pay you back’ before he went silent. A few minutes later, his breathing had slowed to that of a sleeping man; and a few minutes after that, I joined him in the land of Nod.

Thank you for reading!

waycest mcr slash nc17

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