I'm Hungry. LIke a Wolf.

Sep 03, 2006 02:11

So I recently realized that I haven't updated with any particular degree of substance in ages. THe last two were vaguely useful, But, I dunno, I feel as if i skipped two months of my life here.

Mainly because I did. So it's brief re-cap time.


~I Graduated. Bring On Tomorrow. I Sing the Body Electric. I'm Honestly Sincere. Touch the Sun! Etc.

~*Retrospective, Change of life, Life's Journey Post.* I don't actually need one. I could just say something deep. Remember, An end is not truly an end, but a new beginning in disguise. Sweet, I've got that covered.

~Truthfully, I'll break the mold here. I had no issue with High School. Frankly, I had fun. It doesn't make for interesting reading material, but neither does the rest of this entry. Clearly, I fear change.

~Aquatic Basketball began. Team Beginner's lucky does what it does best. Get's lucky. And hits the ball out a lot.

~On the thirtieth, June ends. Right on schedule.


~I go to New Paltz orientation. The Lip Sync contest becomes my bitch. I make numerous friends, Three of which are proving to be shockingly long lasting. One of which has come to a very sad end. I'm not exaggerating, I made a good friend, and through circumstances beyond our control, I lost one too. NOne the less, We still run the nerd herd. WITH AN IRON FIRST D:.

~I return from New Paltz. In what feels like less than a week (As it was in fact four days) I leave for Montauk! With my friends. Karen, MIchelle and Jade. Genevieve tags a long, Because she got stuck in my mom's car. That fatty.

~I should go into detail here. In fact, I feel pressured. To go into detail. BUT THE OFFICIAL RULE OF MONTAUK IS NO PRESSURE. SERIOUSLY. NO PRESSURE. I wouldn't want to pressure anyone to even read this. I'm sorry.

~I return from Montauk. I throw a party for my graduation. It is a rollicking success. I make moneys. I make friends. I play aquatic basketball, with my cousin, Andrew, Who's twelve, and could probably kick all of our asses, without really blinking an eye. Hilarity.

~Super Smash Brothers Melee, in all of its tournament based glory, becomes the backbone of my friendship. I'm not kidding. Seriously.

~I leave for Montauk, with my family. More Hilarity. Will I make it back? OH, Who knows? Seriously? You'll have to wait for August to find out. Oh, The suspense. It should be killing you, right about now. Like, If you're not bleeding all over my livejournal, I'll be really dissapointed. You selfish asshole.


~I return from Montauk. As has been the tradition for the past 18 years, I'm just a little bit more scarred. BUt it's the good kind of scarring. That completely disfigures you, both inside and out, and never, ever leaves you alone again. If you want some of this scarring for yourself, Talk to Jade for a good twenty minutes. And be sure to stare her straight in the eyes. She makes Medusa look like, well, Yours truly. <3 <3 <3. JKLOLROFL<3<3JADE<3<3!!

~My summer persists, in an entirely ordinary sort of way. I shop for college, I hang with friends, I sleep, I eat, I mentally prepare for the next leg of life's journey, I break my gamecube and nearly have a meltdown.

~I Go to college. SUNY New Paltz, '10, Wooo. Clearly, My disdain for any form of "Year of Graduation" shout out persists. NOthing personal, but Seniors '07, Junior's '08, and Sophomores '09 can blow me. We all know what year you're graduation. Such knowledge allows us to determine if you are in fact a Junior, Freshman, etc. But thanks for the clarification.

~August ends. GOODBYE SWEET SUMMER. The stupid, boring, over-done, Goodbye to Summer away messages come out to play. The murder rate steadily increases. Giving all of us something to look forward to.


~It's only the third, I don't have much to say.

~COntrary, again, to the general consensus...I really love college. I do like being able to go home, but at the very same time, I'm thoroughly enjoying New Paltz. You should send me mail. And visit. And Get your asses kicked as Super Smash Brothers by my RA. It'll be totally worth it.

~I have an inability to stop myself from doing asshole type things. Evidence of this, while always steadily increasing, has sharply gone up since September began. I sure am in hot water now.

~I don't have a face book. Everyone can stop trying to find me there. It's not going to happen.

~This is probably the longest entry you're getting out of me, at least, until Christmas. Revel in it, Kids.

~With Love, Me. Thx.
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