(no subject)

Mar 08, 2006 17:47

Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: Anything sweet
Yeah, I have a sweet tooth. I lost it for awhile after Christmas because of all the things the kids gave me, but I got it back. Oy...the students will know it's my downfall!
Literary: The Killer Angels Ever since I've read this book I've been infatuated with the Civil War. So I wouldn't call that a guilt, but a blessing :-)Audiovisual: Gettysburg This movie is like a drug to me. I'm addicted and watch it at least twice a year. Poor Christina has been sucked into watching it many times and I have to just critique it, tell what's about to happen, or scream at the TV and say "That's wrong!!"
Musical: Green Day/Avenged Sevenfold I must say I have listened to these CD's hundreds of times and don't get sick of them. When I'm supposed to be doing my homework sometimes, I'll end up listening to these CD's instead.
Celebrity: War movies I know it says celebrities, but any celebrity that does a war movie (barring a few movies {Troy, Alexander, etc.}) I really like. To be honest, I probably own most of my favorite war movies though. But if I had to choose someone who is my celebrity, it would be Jeff Daniels for his portrail of Chamberlain.

Now I tag:-
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