What I really miss

Jul 04, 2008 23:16

I don't miss Korea. When I lived in Korea I thought every day "I'm going to miss this with a passion when I move home". But I don't. I miss the subway. I miss dumpster diving. But I've been so focused on restarting my life in Canada after 8 years away I haven't really missed Korea. I'm happy every day I go to work. I'm busy at work. It's not like Seattle. I like being able to communicate fluently with my coworkers.

I miss my GF of course but I know I'll see her again. The only real pain I feel is knowing I'll probably never see my gf's nephew again. I mean I'll see him again but he'll be older. He won't really remember me. He was just such a cute little 4 year old boy. He used to tell his mother "I like Uncle Karl more than my own father." I couldn't speak any Korean he could understand and I couldn't understand any of his Korean but we had that "evil uncle" bond. He just knew when he was with me, I would show him 18 ways to make a big mess with tap water.

It's just very hard to place the pain I feel in my heart. I just miss how he'd spazz out with excitement when he'd see me. I miss buying him ice cream. I miss his laughter. This really sucks.

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