Apr 03, 2005 09:38
since ethan pointed this out to me, i thought i'd let everyone know...a few of these latest entries have been insanely private. so, in order not to offend anyone, i made a friends list comprised of my closest friends, just as a precaution. and if you can read the latest entries, then congratulations, you're on the list. if you're not on the list, don't take it personally; i just don't want people i'm not super-close with reading all of my emo bullshit. i'm still friends with you, just not close enough to want you to see everything i write about.
oh, and i would also like to emphasize that it's EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to me that, if you're going to read those aforementioned entries, you read them slowly and carefully. i don't want anything misconstrued, as these could easily be twisted into mean, spiteful rants about jaron. which they're not, by any stretch of imagination. they're just...thoughts. it's my journal, and that's what they are. i don't yell at people through the internet, nor do i want to yell at jaron. i just needed to think things out in an irrational, stressful manner, because that's how i felt at the time. i'm still not sure if i'm calm now, and i won't be until i talk to jaron face-to-face and get this all settled. i'm just hoping, with insight from other people and everything out in the open, that he's not going to get pissed off at me. because that's the last thing i want, i swear to god. if anything, i want the complete opposite. although i'm not entirely positive that this entire fiasco won't turn its ugly face on me and bite my head off. however, i can only hope for the best.
so...yeah. there you go. sorry.