(no subject)

Oct 27, 2006 18:09

So Jeff from my work is god damn amazing. I dig this boy tons and tons and tons. And he likes me a lot too. We had this talk about the future last night that lasted like 4 hours. I decided that I'm going to continue not doing drugs and shit. And I'm going to go to college. Like next semester if I can. Maybe try to take night classes at first. I'm not sure yet. I think I'm going to go to OC today, and check stuff out. Just to see what they offer, like what classes. I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to go to college for, but I want to go. I am going to start saving all the money I don't spend on gas, cigarettes, and bills. I really need to start saving. So I'm really going to try. I just need to spend my money on what I need to spend it on. I think I'm going to open another account, like in a different bank, so I can't get to it very easily. I won't have a card to the account, and I am only going to use it as savings.

I FUCKING HATE PERIODS. Jesus. I need to get new birth control pills soon. I don't think I'm going to make it to payday. There's still like 5 days till payday. Jesus! I hate being broke. But I hope all that is going to change.

I watched this movie last night at Dani's house. Hard Candy. I have been thinking about renting it for some time now. Every time I see it at Blockbuster, I want to rent it, but I never did. So I watched it, and it was AWESOME. I took it home with my and burned it. I dig having new movies. I think I'm going to ask Dani if I can burn movies off her all the time.

Anyhoo, I'm trying to watch Harry Potter and I need to dye my hair and write in my other journal.

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