Apr 05, 2004 19:40
see aside from the usual sick thoughts i was doing okay right maybe you can even call it normal then i saw it...your words..it kinda hit me like a wave definitely came out of nowhere..the feelings it brought out in me...i don't know where i am or where this is all heading..i just want to talk to you again...for hours and hear everything..just get filled in on everything that i missed hear, everything that you want to tell me...i just wish you were here with me..i miss you i know how often i say it and if you saw how often i thought it then you'd probably think i'm somewhat off which who knows...but that can't be helped right because this is just the end just like that...okay i can deal with that right yes of course...i hate how things can just dwell on the sadness it's like hard or impossible to look at the good or something..it's just the way it works i guess