Feb 08, 2004 12:12
why do i bother sometimes..i made plans today and set goals realistic ones, probable ones growing up ones y'know...okay so i know i've made my mistakes and damn plenty of them too but so did you and you and you but that's okay because everyone forgives god too right so must she such bullshit such fuckin crap...
did you read the contract it's printed all over
it says that life is something to enjoy
the stupid things that are done as if we don't know any better but there's such a big difference between knowing and loving two separate things each its own enemy in a way
there's no need to be scared even though
we both feel like it's the end
it's not that bad worse could have been said or done things like that can still occur and you want to think no of course not they're not that dumb but yet never do you ceased to be amazed/surprised and then you go and realize that hey you really never were surprised to begin with you knew it all along
why did you fall down?
i want to know what made you frown...