(no subject)

May 24, 2008 19:33

This has been the total week from hell. Sometimes I think we as people with disabilities in America are scrutinized for everything. We are in a system that keeps us at a lower income level, hit and miss on good health care, and the constant ordeal of finding good assistants to help us with our daily needs because professional nursing is too expensive.

On Wednesday of this week I was a victim not by my disability, but the bureaucratic system we are in. Someone anonymously reported to the state of Illinois that I was being abused, neglected. An officer from the Inspector General's Office from our state capitol burst into my house, flashed a badge and asked to interview me alone. Talk about puzzled. I just couldn't imagine who did this.

The thought of losing my attendants, my services to be able to live independently, and the thought of a nursing home scares me to death. Especially when there was no basis for these charges.

Needless to say I was really stressed. I think that night I got 2 hours sleep. I was stressed and very scared. As the days have went by I am angry. I feel like my rights as a person with a disability and a citizen were violated. Especially now that I have an idea who it was that made the call. I think it was an attendant I had to fire several years ago.

There is no recourse for me to prove it was her. But I am the victim because this shit will be in my file forever. For no reason, no basis, and I will be watched.

I have had the same attendants for years ranging from 14 to 2. Most attendants being family and friends who love me unconditionally and would do anything for me, for free. The funds have helped me spirit wise...in the sense I need help and they should get paid for the services.

Needless to say I am a fighter..so I have written a complaint letter to the Inspector General's Office with a copy of this letter to every legislator in the area. So hopefully I will get a response.

All my life I haven't trusted people easily. I have tried to over the years and have learned to a bit. But this situation leaves me trusting no one. I will be looking over my shoulder always, wondering and waiting.

I think that is why I got so upset regarding comedian Richard Lewis going on a big rant about people with disabilities. He hasn't got a clue.

I thanks to Mr. Craig Ferguson for not "taking it in" and responding to such shit.

bureaucracy, fear, disability

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