Stone's "The Empire Strikes Back"

Aug 31, 2006 23:21

Stone had a few arguments in this article, one of those being about morality tales, original myths, and telling the "truth" about gender [Stone].  For example, the ritual of "wringing the turkey's neck" (the myth of one last masturbation before a man becomes a women), is never mentioned in any of the articles by the authors Stone writes about.  Stone talks about transsexuals erasing their original sex after the operation, known as constructing a plausible history.  The individual learns to lie effectively about his or her past, so no one (even themselves) would know that he or she had been born a different sex.  Stone argues since transsexuals do not share common oppression prior to gender reassignment (as genetic naturals do), then we can find in their erased history a story disruptive to the accepted discourses of gender, which originates from within the gender minority itself and which can make common cause with other oppositional discourses.  Stone suggests that transsexuals "are not a class or third gender, but rather a genre-a set of emobodied texts whose potential for productive disruption of structured sexualities and spectra of desire has yet to be explored."  Stone concludes her closing argument with the essence of transsexualism being an act of passing.

Honestly, I had somewhat of a hard time finding arguments throughout Stone's article.  It seemed like she was analyzing transsexuals, but her arguments seemed a bit dull.  In my opinion, it appears that she's on the side of transsexuals...perhaps I'm wrong.  I never have been too great at this analyzing arguments thing.
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